Porting builders to newer Ubuntu versions

QA Migration & Deployment

There are following steps to porting builders to newer Ubuntu versions.

  • Porting launchpad-buildd and its dependencies to work on the target Ubuntu version. You can follow lp-buildd docs to develop and publish on buildd-staging PPA.
  • Update the gss_series variable in launchpad-mojo-specs. Run mojo run to deploy the config changes.
    • PS: We use vbuilder branch for build farm mojo specs.

    • You don’t have to update the builder config to target Ubuntu version at this step. We first have to build an image and then update the builder configs.

  • Next step is to rebuild images. Currently launchpad-mojo-specs (vbuilder branch) uses 2 charms to rebuild images & sync images. You can either trigger a rebuild by following: testing-on-qastaging or use the sync-images action.
juju actions --help
juju list-actions <unit-name>
juju run-action --verbose <unit-name> sync-images
  • Update the builder config to use target Ubuntu version in launchpad-mojo-specs. Use mojo run to deploy the config changes.

  • You can either wait for builders to reset and pick the new image or reset them using ubuntu archive tools

./manage-builders -l qastaging --disabled -a riscv64  --reset