How To Use Codehosting Locally

Note: This guide is for bazaar hosting. For git hosting, see the turnip README.

Just as it’s possible to run the launchpad web application locally, it is also possible to run the complete codehosting stack on your development machine. The main awkwardness is that you have to manually kick off some of the things that are usually done by cronjobs.

Make sure Apache is set up

Various parts of the codehosting system require that Apache is configured appropriately. If launchpad.test works at all for you, you’ve probably already done this, but if it doesn’t work, running

sudo make install

from the root of your launchpad tree should configure things appropriately.

Get things running

Getting all the servers that need to be running started is as simple as running

make run_all


make run_codehosting

in the root of your Launchpad tree.

Set up a user

First ensure you have an mta installed e.g. postfix. If you run

./utilities/make-lp-user <your real launchpad id>

, you can use



You can also use the ‘mark’ launchpad user, the only user in the sample data with an ssh key set up, but it’s probably best not to these days.

Push up a branch

If you ran


, this is just a few more keystrokes than pushing a branch to launchpad:

bzr push -d <some branch> lp://test/~<you>/+junk/branchname

You might have to add the following to ~/.ssh/config:

Host bazaar.launchpad.test
    Port 5022
    Hostname launchpad.test

Pull and scan the branch

At this point the branch is just in the ‘hosted area’, and needs to be scanned (data about the branch copied into the Launchpad database).

On production, this happens via the magic of cron. Locally you can make it happen by running

cronscripts/ IBranchScanJobSource


Now you have a fully working and up-to-date branch – you should be able to look at the branch page in Launchpad, view the source in codebrowse, and so on.


  • If you have troubles pushing to a local code hosting instance with an error like below, the stale /var/tmp/launchpad_forking_service.sock might be the problem. Remove it and restart code hosting.

$ bzr push lp://test/~danilo/translated/trunk
exec request failed on channel 0
bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.
  • If you are receiving connection refused to port 5022, in `configs/development/launchpad-lazr.conf`, under the `[codehosting]` heading, amend the line:

port: tcp:5022:interface=


port: tcp:5022:interface=

Alternatively, push from within the container.