How to configure a Canonical Kubernetes cluster using Juju

This guide provides instructions for configuring a Canonical Kubernetes cluster using Juju. The DNS feature is used as an example to demonstrate the various configuration patterns and methods.


This guide assumes the following:

  • Juju CLI installed on your machine

  • A working Kubernetes cluster deployed with the k8s charm

Understanding the charm configuration

The k8s charm offers a wide range of configurable options and features including networking, DNS, labels, taints, and more. Review the charm documentation for k8s and k8s-worker to explore all available options for customizing your cluster.


When setting up your cluster for the first time, you will have access to certain configuration settings (prefixed with bootstrap-) that cannot be changed later. Be sure to check the charm’s documentation beforehand to understand the available configuration options.

The charm’s configuration options include:

  • Cluster features, prefixed by the feature name (e.g., DNS, gateway, ingress):

    • An enable/disable flag (e.g., dns-enabled)

    • Feature specific configuration options (e.g., dns-cluster-domain)

  • Cluster wide configurations (e.g., labels, taints).

Applying the configuration

You can configure your cluster either during the initial deployment or by updating an existing deployment.

Option 1: During initial deployment

Use a YAML file or the --config flag to specify your desired configuration during deployment.

Using a YAML file:

Create a configuration file with the desired configuration options. For example, to enable DNS and set the cluster domain to cluster.local, create a file basic-config.yaml with the following content:

  dns-enabled: true
  dns-cluster-domain: "cluster.local"

Deploy the k8s charm with the configuration file:

juju deploy k8s --config ./basic-config.yaml

Using the --config flag:

Alternatively, deploy the application by specifying the configuration directly:

juju deploy k8s --config dns-enabled=true --config dns-cluster-domain=cluster.local

Option 2: Updating an existing deployment

Modify the configuration of an existing deployment using a YAML file or the --config flag.

Using a YAML file:

Apply the configuration from a YAML file:

juju config k8s --file ./basic-config.yaml

Using the --config flag:

Specify the configuration options directly:

juju config k8s dns-enabled=true dns-cluster-domain=cluster.local

Monitoring and verifying the configuration

After applying the configuration, the charm will automatically apply the changes and update the cluster. Monitor the progress by running:

juju status --watch 1s

Check the current configuration values with:

juju config k8s
juju config k8s-worker