How to integrate Canonical Kubernetes with ceph-csi

Ceph can be used to hold Kubernetes persistent volumes and is the recommended storage solution for Canonical Kubernetes.

The ceph-csi plugin automatically provisions and attaches the Ceph volumes to Kubernetes workloads.


This guide assumes that you have an existing Canonical Kubernetes cluster. See the charm installation guide for more details.

In case of localhost/LXD Juju clouds, please make sure that the K8s units are configured to use VM containers with Ubuntu 22.04 as the base and adding the virt-type=virtual-machine constraint. In order for K8s to function properly, an adequate amount of resources must be allocated:

juju deploy k8s --channel=latest/stable \
    --base "[email protected]" \
    --constraints "cores=2 mem=8G root-disk=16G virt-type=virtual-machine"

Deploying Ceph

Deploy a Ceph cluster containing one monitor and three storage units (OSDs). In this example, a limited amount of reources is being allocated.

juju deploy -n 1 ceph-mon \
    --constraints "cores=2 mem=4G root-disk=16G" \
    --config monitor-count=1
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-osd \
    --constraints "cores=2 mem=4G root-disk=16G" \
    --storage osd-devices=1G,1 --storage osd-journals=1G,1
juju integrate ceph-osd:mon ceph-mon:osd

If using LXD, configure the OSD units to use VM containers by adding the constraint: virt-type=virtual-machine.

Once the units are ready, deploy ceph-csi. By default, this enables the ceph-xfs and ceph-ext4 storage classes, which leverage Ceph RBD.

juju deploy ceph-csi --config provisioner-replicas=1
juju integrate ceph-csi k8s:ceph-k8s-info
juju integrate ceph-csi ceph-mon:client

CephFS support can optionally be enabled:

juju deploy ceph-fs
juju integrate ceph-fs:ceph-mds ceph-mon:mds
juju config ceph-csi cephfs-enable=True

Validating the CSI integration

Ensure that the storage classes are available and that the CSI pods are running:

juju ssh k8s/leader -- sudo k8s kubectl get sc,po --namespace default

The list should include the ceph-xfs and ceph-ext4 storage classes as well as cephfs, if it was enabled.

Verify that Ceph PVCs work as expected. Connect to the k8s leader unit and define a PVC like so:

juju ssh k8s/leader

cat <<EOF > /tmp/pvc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: raw-block-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
  volumeMode: Filesystem
      storage: 64Mi
  storageClassName: ceph-xfs

sudo k8s kubectl apply -f /tmp/pvc.yaml

Next, create a pod that writes to a Ceph volume:

cat <<EOF > /tmp/writer.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pv-writer-test
  namespace: default
  restartPolicy: Never
  - name: pvc-test
      claimName: raw-block-pvc
  - name: pv-writer
    image: busybox
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo 'PVC test data.' > /pvc/test_file"]
    - name: pvc-test
      mountPath: /pvc

sudo k8s kubectl apply -f /tmp/writer.yaml

If the pod completes successfully, our Ceph CSI integration is functional.

sudo k8s kubectl wait pod/pv-writer-test \
    --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'="Succeeded" \
    --timeout 2m