Basic Canonical Kubernetes charm operations

This tutorial walks you through common management tasks for your Canonical Kubernetes cluster using the k8s control plane charm. You will learn how to scale your cluster, manage workers, and interact with the cluster using kubectl.


  • A running Canonical Kubernetes cluster deployed with the k8s charm

  • The Juju client

  • Kubectl (installation instructions included below)

Scaling Your Cluster

The k8s charm provides flexibility to scale your cluster as needed by adding or removing control plane nodes or worker nodes.

To increase the control plane’s capacity or ensure high availability, you can add more units of the k8s application:

juju add-unit k8s -n 1

Use juju status to view all the units in your cluster and monitor their status.

Similarly, you can add more worker nodes when your workload demands increase:

juju add-unit k8s-worker -n 1

This command deploys an additional instance of the k8s-worker charm. No extra configuration is needed as Juju manages all instances within the same application. After running this command, new units will appear in your cluster, such as k8s-worker/0 and k8s-worker/1.

To scale up multiple units at once, adjust the unit count:

juju add-unit k8s-worker -n 3

If you need to scale down the cluster, you can remove units as follows:

juju remove-unit k8s-worker/1

Replace the unit name with the appropriate application name (e.g., k8s or k8s-worker) and unit number.

Set up kubectl

kubectl is the standard upstream tool for interacting with a Kubernetes cluster. This is the command that can be used to inspect and manage your cluster.

If necessary, kubectl can be installed from a snap:

sudo snap install kubectl --classic

Create a directory to house the kubeconfig:

mkdir ~/.kube

Fetch the configuration information from the cluster:

juju run k8s/0 get-kubeconfig

The Juju action is a piece of code which runs on a unit to perform a specific task. In this case it collects the cluster information - the YAML formatted details of the cluster and the keys required to connect to it.


If you already have kubectl installed and are using it to manage other clusters, edit the relevant parts of the cluster yaml output and append them to your current kubeconfig file.

Use yq to append your cluster’s kubeconfig information directly to the config file:

juju run k8s/0 get-kubeconfig | yq '.kubeconfig' >> ~/.kube/config

Confirm that kubectl can read the kubeconfig file:

kubectl config show

The output will be similar to this:

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: DATA+OMITTED
  name: k8s
- context:
    cluster: k8s
    user: k8s-user
  name: k8s
current-context: k8s
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: k8s-user
    token: REDACTED

Run a simple command to inspect your cluster:

kubectl get pods -A

This command returns a list of pods, confirming that kubectl can reach the cluster.

Next steps

Now that you are familiar with the basic cluster operations, learn to:

For more advanced operations and updates, keep an eye on the charm’s documentation and release notes.