How to perform an in-place upgrade for a machine

This guide walks you through the steps to perform an in-place upgrade for a Cluster API managed machine.


To follow this guide, you will need:

  • A Kubernetes management cluster with Cluster API and providers installed and configured.

  • A target workload cluster managed by CAPI.

  • kubectl installed and configured to access your management cluster.

  • The workload cluster kubeconfig.

Please refer to the getting-started guide for further details on the required setup. This guide refers to the workload cluster as c1 and its kubeconfig as c1-kubeconfig.yaml.

Check the current cluster status

Prior to the upgrade, ensure that the management cluster is in a healthy state.

kubectl get nodes -o wide

Confirm the Kubernetes version of the workload cluster:

kubectl --kubeconfig c1-kubeconfig.yaml get nodes -o wide

Annotate the machine

In this first step, annotate the Machine resource with the in-place upgrade annotation. In this example, the machine is called c1-control-plane-xyzbw.

kubectl annotate machine c1-control-plane-xyzbw "<upgrade-option>"

<upgrade-option> can be one of:

  • channel=<snap-channel> which refreshes k8s to the given snap channel. e.g. channel=1.30-classic/stable

  • revision=<revision> which refreshes k8s to the given revision. e.g. revision=123

  • localPath=<path> which refreshes k8s with the snap file from the given absolute path. e.g. localPath=full/path/to/k8s.snap

Please refer to the ClusterAPI Annotations Reference for further details on these options.

Monitor the in-place upgrade

Watch the status of the in-place upgrade for the machine, by running the following command and checking the annotation:

kubectl get machine c1-control-plane-xyzbw -o yaml

On a successful upgrade:

  • Value of the annotation will be changed to done

  • Value of the annotation will be changed to the <upgrade-option> used to perform the upgrade.

Cancelling a failing upgrade

The upgrade is retried periodically if the operation was unsuccessful.

The upgrade can be cancelled by running the following commands that remove the annotations:

kubectl annotate machine c1-control-plane-xyzbw ""
kubectl annotate machine c1-control-plane-xyzbw ""

Verify the Kubernetes upgrade

Confirm that the node is healthy and runs on the new Kubernetes version:

kubectl --kubeconfig c1-kubeconfig.yaml get nodes -o wide