Proxy environment variables

Canonical Kubernetes uses the standard system-wide environment variables to control access through proxies.

On Ubuntu and other Linux operating systems, proxies are configured through system-wide environment variables defined in the /etc/environment file.




  • https_proxy

  • http_proxy

  • no_proxy

No-proxy CIDRS

When configuring proxies, it is important to note that there are always some CIDRs which need to be excluded and added to the no-proxy lists. For Canonical Kubernetes these are:

  • The range used by Kubernetes services (defaults to

  • The range used by the Kubernetes pods (defaults to

And it is also important to exclude the local network to maintain access to any local traffic.


For the k8s snap, proxy configuration is controlled by editing the /etc/environment file mentioned above. There is an example in the How to guide for configuring proxies for the k8s snap.

For charms deployed by Juju, proxies are managed by configuring the model. See the How to guide for configuring proxies for k8s charms for an example of how to set these.