How to Upgrade Canonical Kubernetes to the next minor revision

It is recommended that you keep your Kubernetes deployment updated to the latest available stable version. You should also update the other applications deployed in your Kubernetes cluster. Keeping up-to-date ensures you have the latest bug-fixes and security patches for smooth operation of your cluster.

New minor versions of Kubernetes are set to release three times per year. Check the latest release version on the Kubernetes release page on GitHub.


Kubernetes will not automatically handle minor release upgrades. The cluster will not perform an unattended automatic upgrade between minor versions, e.g. 1.30.1 to 1.31.0. Attended upgrades are required when you wish to upgrade whether to a patch or minor version.

Determine which version of each application is currently deployed by running:

juju status

The ‘App’ section of the output lists each application and its version number. Note that this is the version of the upstream application deployed. The version of the Juju charm is indicated under the column titled ‘Rev’. The charms may be updated in between new versions of the application.

Model       Controller  Cloud/Region   Version  SLA          Timestamp
my-cluster  canonicaws  aws/us-east-1  3.6.0    unsupported  16:02:18-05:00

App      Version  Status  Scale  Charm    Channel        Rev  Exposed  Message
k8s      1.31.3   active      3  k8s      1.31/stable    123  yes      Ready

Unit        Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
k8s/0       active    idle   0   6443/tcp  Ready
k8s/1*      active    idle   1     6443/tcp  Ready
k8s/2       active    idle   2  6443/tcp  Ready

Machine  State    Address         Inst id              Base          AZ          Message
0        started   i-0b6fc845c28864913  [email protected]  us-east-1f  running
1        started     i-05439714c88bea35f  [email protected]  us-east-1f  running
2        started  i-07ecf97ed29860334  [email protected]  us-east-1c  running

Before you begin

As with all upgrades, there is a possibility that there may be unforeseen difficulties. It is highly recommended to make a backup of any important data, including any running workloads. For more details on creating backups, see the separate docs on backups.

Verify that:

  • The machine from which you will perform the backup has sufficient internet access to retrieve updated software

  • Your cluster is running normally

  • Your Juju client and controller/models are running the same, stable version of Juju (see the Juju docs)

  • You read the Upstream release notes for details of Kubernetes deprecation notices and API changes that may impact your workloads

It is also important to understand that Kubernetes will only upgrade and if necessary migrate, components relating specifically to elements of Kubernetes installed and configured as part of Kubernetes. This may not include any customized configuration of Kubernetes, or non-built-in generated objects (e.g. storage classes) or deployments which rely on deprecated APIs.

Specific upgrade instructions

Deciding if an upgrade is available

Juju will contact charmhub daily to find new revisions of charms deployed in your models. To see if the k8s or k8s-worker charms can be upgraded, set with the following:

juju status --format=json | \
   jq '.applications | 
        to_entries[] | {
           application: .key,
           "charm-name": .value["charm-name"],
           "charm-channel": .value["charm-channel"],
           "charm-rev": .value["charm-rev"],
           "can-upgrade-to": .value["can-upgrade-to"]

This outputs a list of applications in the model:

  • the name of the application (ex. k8s)

  • the charm used by the application (ex. k8s)

  • the kubernetes channel this charm follows (ex. 1.31/stable)

  • the current charm revision (ex. 1001)

  • the next potential charm revision (ex. ch:amd64/k8s-1002)

If the can-upgrade-to revision is null, the charm is on the most stable release within this channel. Continue with the Pre Upgrade Check.

Otherwise, complete the Upgrade Patch instructions first.


Only update the charm to the next minor version. If the current charm-channel is 1.31/stable, it’s critical to refresh to the 1.32/stable. Skipping channels (eg 1.31 -> 1.33) will result in the units blocking and indicating they cannot upgrade.

See Kubernetes’ Version Skew Policy

The pre-upgrade-check

Before running an upgrade, check that the cluster is steady and ready for upgrade. The charm will perform checks necessary to confirm the cluster is in safe working order before upgrading.

juju run k8s/leader pre-upgrade-check

If no error appears, the pre-upgrade-check completed successfully.

Refreshing charm applications

Control Plane units (k8s)

Following the pre-upgrade-check update the control-plane nodes.

juju refresh k8s --channel ${NEXT_CHANNEL}
juju status k8s --watch 5s

The refresh command instructs the juju controller to follow a new charm channel. The Kubernetes charm will be upgraded to the lasted revision within that channel. The charm code is simultaneously replaced on each unit, then the k8s snap is updated unit-by-unit in order to maintain a highly-available kube-api-server endpoint, starting with the Juju leader unit for each application.

During the upgrade process, the application status message and the k8s leader unit message will display the current progress, listing the k8s and k8s-worker units still pending upgrades.

After the k8s charm is upgraded, the application Version from juju status will reflect the updated version of the control-plane nodes making up the cluster.

Worker units (k8s-worker)

After updating the control-plane applications, worker nodes may be upgraded by running the pre-upgrade-check action.

juju run k8s-worker/leader pre-upgrade-check
juju refresh k8s-worker --channel ${NEXT_CHANNEL}
juju status k8s-worker --watch 5s

The refresh command instructs the juju controller to follow a new charm channel related to the Kubernetes release and use the new charm revision of the application’s channel to upgrade each unit. The charm code is simultaneously replaced on each unit, then the k8s snap is updated unit-by-unit, starting with the Juju leader unit for the application.

After the k8s-worker charm is upgraded, the application Version from juju status will reflect the updated version of the worker nodes making up the cluster.


Repeat this section for every application using the k8s-worker charm, if multiple k8s-worker applications appear in the same model.

Verify an Upgrade

Once an upgrade is complete, confirm the successful upgrade by running:

juju status

… should indicate that all units are active/idle and the correct version of Kubernetes is listed in the application’s Version

Run a cluster validation to ensure that the cluster is fully functional.