Upgrade Charmed MLflow 2.1 to 2.15

This guide describes how to upgrade Charmed MLflow version 2.1 to 2.15.


This guide assumes:

  • You have deployed MLflow version 2.11.

  • You have Command Line Interface (CLI) access to the machine where the Juju controller is deployed. All commands in this guide are executed from it.


Before proceeding, you might want to backup MinIO data including your experiments and models. See Backup MLflow data for more details.

Upgrade dependencies

Charmed MLflow 2.15 requires:

  1. MicroK8s version 1.29 or higher.

  2. Juju version 3.4.

If you do not meet these requirements, please upgrade these dependencies. See MicroK8s upgrade and Juju upgrade respectively for more details.

Upgrade MLflow bundle

To upgrade the MLflow bundle charms from 2.11 to 2.15, run the following commands:

juju refresh mlflow-minio --channel=ckf-1.9/stable
juju refresh mlflow-server --channel=2.15/stable

Upgrade resource dispatcher

Only if you are running MLflow within Kubeflow, you must upgrade your resource dispatcher deployment.


MLflow 2.15 works only with resource dispatcher version 2.0/stable.

To upgrade your resource dispatcher, do the following:

juju refresh resource-dispatcher --channel=2.0/stable