Deploy Charmed MLflow to EKS





This guide shows how to deploy Charmed MLflow on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). In this guide, we will create an AWS EKS cluster, connect Juju to it, and deploy the MLflow bundle.


We assume the following:

Create EKS cluster

See the EKS creation guide for how to do that.

Setup Juju

Set up your local juju to talk to the remote Kubernetes (K8s) cloud. First, install juju:

sudo snap install juju --classic

Connect Juju to Kubernetes:

juju add-k8s kubeflow


You must choose the name kubeflow if you plan to connect MLflow to Kubeflow. Otherwise you can choose any name.

Create a controller:

juju bootstrap --no-gui kubeflow kubeflow-controller


You can use whatever controller name you like here, we chose kubeflow-controller.

Add a Juju model:

juju add-model kubeflow


You must choose the name kubeflow if you plan to connect MLflow to Kubeflow. Otherwise you can choose any name.

Deploy MLflow bundle

Deploy the MLflow bundle with the following command:

juju deploy mlflow --channel=2.1/stable --trust

Wait until all charms are in the active state. You can check the state of the charms with the command:

juju status --watch 5s --relations