How to configure proxy settings for K8s

Canonical Kubernetes packages a number of utilities (for example curl, helm) which need to fetch resources they expect to find on the internet. In a constrained network environment, such access is usually controlled through proxies.

Add proxy configuration for the k8s charms

For the charm deployments of Canonical Kubernetes, Juju manages proxy configuration through the Juju model.

For example, assume we have a proxy running at http://squid.internal:3128 and we are using the networks, and In this case we would configure the model in which the charms are to run with Juju:

juju model-config \
    juju-http-proxy=http://squid.internal:3128 \
    juju-https-proxy=http://squid.internal:3128 \


The CIDR needs to be covered in the juju-no-proxy list as it is the Kubernetes service CIDR. Without this no pods will be able to reach the cluster’s kubernetes-api. You should also exclude the range used by pods (which defaults to and any required local networks.