
The Django extension streamlines the process of building Django application rocks.

It facilitates the installation of Django application dependencies, including Gunicorn, inside the rock. Additionally, it transfers your project files to /django/app within the rock.

A statsd-exporter is installed alongside the Gunicorn server to export Gunicorn server metrics.


The Django extension is compatible with the bare, ubuntu@22.04 and ubuntu@24.04 bases.

Project requirements

There are 2 requirements to be able to use the django-framework extension:

  1. There must be a requirements.txt file in the root directory of the project with Django declared as a dependency.

  2. The project must be named the same as the name in rockcraft.yaml with any - replaced by _, i.e., the must be located at ./<Rock name with - replaced by _>/<Rock name with - replaced by _>/ relative to the rockcraft.yaml file.