
The Go extension streamlines the process of building Go application rocks.

The extension builds and copies the Go binary file to the rock. By default, the base bare is used, to generate a lightweight image.


The Go extension is compatible with the bare and ubuntu@24.04 bases.

Project requirements

To use the go-framework extension, there must be a go.mod file in the root directory of the project.

parts > go-framework/install-app > organize

If the main package is in the base directory and the rockcraft name attribute is equal to the go module name, the name of the binary will be selected correctly, otherwise you will need to adjust it.

You can use this field to specify a different binary to be used as the main application, without having to override the service command. For example, if your Go application contains a main package in the directory cmd/anotherserver, the name of the binary will be anotherserver and you can override the main application to use the binary with the next snippet:

     bin/anotherserver: usr/local/bin/<rockcraft project name>

parts > go-framework/assets > stage

Some files, if they exist in the project root, are included by default in the rock in the /app directory. These include: migrate, migrate.sh, templates/ and static/.

You can customise the files to include by overriding the stage property of the go-framework/assets part:

      - app/migrate
      - app/migrate.sh
      - app/static
      - app/another_file_or_directory