
The Flask extension streamlines the process of building Flask application rocks.

It facilitates the installation of Flask application dependencies, including Gunicorn, inside the rock. Additionally, it transfers your project files to /flask/app within the rock.

A statsd-exporter is installed alongside the Gunicorn server to export Gunicorn server metrics.


The Flask extension is compatible with the bare, ubuntu@22.04 and ubuntu@24.04 bases.

The Flask extension supports both synchronous and asynchronous Gunicorn workers.

Project requirements

There are 2 requirements to be able to use the flask-framework extension:

  1. There must be a requirements.txt file in the root of the project with Flask declared as a dependency

  2. The project must include a WSGI app with the path app:app. This means there must be an app.py file at the root of the project with the name of the Flask object is set to app.

For the project to make use of asynchronous Gunicorn workers:

  • The requirements.txt file must include gevent as a dependency.

parts > flask-framework/dependencies > stage-packages

You can use this key to specify any dependencies required for your Flask application. In the following example we use it to specify libpq-dev:

      # list required packages or slices for your flask app below.
      - libpq-dev

Gunicorn worker selection

If the project has gevent as a dependency, Rockcraft automatically updates the pebble plan to spawn asynchronous Gunicorn workers.

When the project instead needs synchronous workers, you can override the worker type by adding --args flask sync to the Docker command that launches the rock:

docker run --name flask-container -d -p 8000:8000 flask-image:1.0 \
--args flask sync

parts > flask-framework/install-app > prime

You can use this field to specify the files to be included or excluded from your rock upon rockcraft pack. Follow the flask/app/<filename> notation. For example:

      - flask/app/.env
      - flask/app/app.py
      - flask/app/webapp
      - flask/app/templates
      - flask/app/static

Some files, if they exist, are included by default. These include: app, app.py, migrate, migrate.sh, migrate.py, static, templates.