Rockcraft documentation

Rockcraft is a tool to create rocks – a new generation of secure, stable and OCI-compliant container images, based on Ubuntu.

Rockcraft is for anyone who wants to build production-grade container images, regardless of their experience as a software developer – from independent software vendors to cloud-native developers and occasional container users. Rockcraft handles all the repetitive and boilerplate steps of a build, directing your focus to what really matters: the image’s content.

Using the same language as Snapcraft and Charmcraft, Rockcraft offers a truly declarative way for building efficient container images. By making use of existing Ubuntu tools like LXD and Multipass, Rockcraft is able to compartmentalise typical container image builds into multiple parts, each one being comprised of several independent lifecycle steps, allowing complex operations to be declared at build time.

Get started - become familiar with Rockcraft by containerising different software applications as rocks.

Step-by-step guides - learn key operations, ranging from creating and cutting slices to migrating and publishing rocks.

Technical information - understand how to use every key in a project file.

Discussion and clarification - explore Rockcraft’s lifecycle and how a rock gets packed under the hood.

Project and community

Rockcraft is a member of the Canonical family. It’s an open source project that warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.