Upgrading Canonical Kubernetes

Upgrading your cluster to the latest Kubernetes version is a critical part of maintaining a healthy cluster. It provides enhanced security in the form of the latest security patches as well as increased stability and performance by incorporating the latest optimizations and features. The release cadence of Canonical Kubernetes follows the release cycle set by upstream Kubernetes.

Patch vs minor upgrades

Patch upgrades address bug fixes and are typically safe, introducing no breaking changes. Patch upgrades do not change the channel selected (for example a patch upgrade from stable/1.32.0 to stable/1.32.1). Minor version upgrades add new features or deprecate existing features without breaking changes. These upgrades change the version of the channel selected (for example a minor upgrade from stable/1.32.x to stable/1.33.x). For more information on channels see the explanation page.

Sequential upgrades

Upgrades of control plane nodes must always be done sequentially. It is not recommended to upgrade by more than one minor version at a time (for example upgrading from 1.31 to 1.33 is not supported). When upgrading between minor releases, for instance from 1.31 to 1.32, first upgrade to the latest patch of the current version. In this example you would check the 1.31 channel for the latest patch: 1.31.x. This is in line with upstream Kubernetes version skew policy. For worker nodes, upgrading with a skew of up to three versions is acceptable.

Upgrade approach

It is important to upgrade your cluster with the same method that you used to install the cluster. If you have deployed Canonical Kubernetes using Juju, you should upgrade your cluster using Juju controller commands. Similarly, with snap and CAPI deployments, the original install method should be used.

Snap upgrades

Updates for the Canonical Kubernetes snap are checked several times a day with the default snap refresh functionality. Patch upgrades will be applied automatically unless they are manually stopped or a version of the snap is pinned. It is not recommended to pin the version of your snap unless you have a justified reason for doing so. Pinning the version leads to a less secure and reliable deployment as the snap will not receive the latest updates. Changes applied during the latest refresh to the snap can be viewed using the command snap change. Minor version upgrades need manual intervention and must be carried out on all snaps individually. The length of time taken to upgrade the snap will depend largely on your local setup, the services running on the cluster, the resources available to the cluster, the intensity of the workloads etc.

If you would like to manage the upgrading of your cluster using the snap, please see the how-to guide on managing cluster upgrades.

Charm upgrades

Upgrading the charm must be done manually for both patch and minor upgrades on a per model basis. To ensure that the revision of the charm matches the revision of the snap it orchestrates, the automatic refresh function of the snap has been placed on hold in this deployment method. The snap can still be manually updated by running a targeted snap refresh, but all upgrades should be done through Juju. The juju refreshcommand instructs the Juju controller to use the new charm revision within the current charm channel or to upgrade to the next channel based on the parameters provided. The charm code is simultaneously replaced on each unit. Then, the k8s snap is updated unit-by-unit. This is in order to maintain a highly-available kube-api-server endpoint, starting with the Juju leader unit for the application. To ensure a smooth upgrade process, the mandatory pre-upgrade-check is run before all upgrades. In addition to verifying the cluster’s health, the pre-upgrade-check also creates the upgrade stack which will be used after the charm is upgraded. The upgrade stack is used to orchestrate the upgrade process across the k8s or k8s-worker units.

If you would like to upgrade your cluster using Juju please see the how-to guide on upgrading your cluster by a minor version.

High availability with cluster upgrades

High availability is automatically enabled in Canonical Kubernetes for clusters with three or more nodes independent of the deployment method. Clusters without high availability must be extra vigilant on backing up cluster data before starting the upgrade process and also must be aware of potential service disruptions during cluster upgrades. It is also important to understand that Kubernetes will only upgrade and if necessary migrate, components of Kubernetes installed and configured as part of Kubernetes. This may not include any customized configuration of Kubernetes, or no-build-in generated objects (e.g. storage classes) or deployments which rely on deprecated APIs. To find out more about high availability in a Canonical Kubernetes cluster see the high availability explanation page.

Updating a cluster best practices

When upgrading with Canonical Kubernetes best practices should be followed:

  • Check the release notes associated with the release and pay particular attention to any deprecations or incompatible changes being introduced that may affect your cluster.

  • Create a backup of all the information in the cluster.

  • Upgrade the control plane nodes before upgrading the worker nodes.

  • Cluster administrators should identify critical workloads on the node to be updated and decide if the node needs to be cordoned and drained before cluster upgrade.

  • Deploy a rolling upgrade strategy meaning you upgrade one node successfully to completion before upgrading the next node.