Uninstall Ubuntu Pro for WSL, Ubuntu on WSL and WSL

Uninstalling UP4W, Ubuntu WSL apps and WSL generally only requires finding the relevant application in the Windows Start Menu and clicking Uninstall, although in some cases a few additional steps are required.


In the Windows Start Menu, locate the “Ubuntu Pro for WSL” application and right-click on it, then click Uninstall.

Uninstall Ubuntu Pro for WSL

You should also remove the .ubuntupro directory from your Windows user profile directory.

PS C:\Users\me> Remove-Item -Recurse -Force C:\Users\me\.ubuntupro

Ubuntu WSL apps

In PowerShell run the following command to stop WSL:

PS C:\Users\me> wsl --shutdown

Then, in the Windows Start Menu, locate the “Ubuntu 24.04 LTS” application, right-click on it, and select “Uninstall”.

The instances will be removed automatically.

WSL app

Only do this if you no longer need WSL on your Windows machine.

In the Windows Start Menu locate the “WSL” application, right-click on it then select “Uninstall”.