(windows-registry)= # Windows registry ```{include} ../pro_content_notice.txt :start-after: :end-before: ``` The Windows registry is a database provided by Windows where programs can read and write information. UP4W uses it as a read-only source of configuration. > See more: [Microsoft Learn | Windows registry information for advanced users](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/performance/windows-registry-advanced-users) In UP4W, you can use the Windows registry to supply the configuration for Ubuntu Pro and Landscape to the [Windows Agent](ref::up4w-windows-agent). > See more: [install UP4W and add a Pro token](howto::config-up4w) ![Screenshot of the Windows registry showing how to edit the Landscape configuration for Ubuntu Pro for WSL](./assets/windows-registry.png) ## Expected contents of the UbuntuPro registry key The Windows agent will read the following values from the key at `HK_CURRENT_USER\Software\Canonical\UbuntuPro`: - Value `UbuntuProToken` (type `String`) expects the [Ubuntu Pro token](https://ubuntu.com/pro/subscribe) for the user. - Value `LandscapeConfig` (type `String` or `Multi-line string`) expects the [Landscape configuration](ref::landscape-config).