SRU documentation

Stable release updates (SRUs) are package updates to a currently supported Ubuntu release.

Once an Ubuntu release has been completed and published, updates for it are only released under certain circumstances, and must follow a special procedure called SRU.

The SRU principles and processes ensure that stable Ubuntu releases remain stable and predictable to the user.

This documentation is intended for all Ubuntu users if they wish to understand what to expect from Ubuntu stable releases, and also for upstream and Ubuntu developers if they wish to understand what changes would or would not be acceptable to us. The rest is intended for Ubuntu developers and SRU team members to achieve this in practice.


Did you notice a regression in a package that went to the -updates pocket? Please report this by following Report a regression.

In this documentation

Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks


Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture


Discussion and clarification of key topics


Project and community