.. _reference-cloud-images: Clouds ****** * :ref:`Cloud images overview ` For information related to public clouds in Ubuntu, you may also want to refer to the official `Public Cloud documentation `_. Find cloud images for... * `Amazon EC2`_\* * `Google Compute Engine (GCE)`_\* * `Microsoft Azure`_\* .. note:: These starred links will redirect you outside the Ubuntu Server documentation to the officially-maintained versions of the cloud documentation. .. LINKS .. _Amazon EC2: https://canonical-aws.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/aws-how-to/instances/find-ubuntu-images/ .. _Google Compute Engine (GCE): https://canonical-gcp.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/google-how-to/gce/find-ubuntu-images/ .. _Microsoft Azure: https://canonical-azure.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/azure-how-to/instances/find-ubuntu-images/ .. TOC .. toctree:: :hidden: Cloud images