.. _how-to-virtualisation: Virtualisation *************** **Virtual machines (VMs)** * :ref:`QEMU ` * :ref:`Create QEMU VMs with up to 1024 vCPUs ` * :ref:`Boot ARM64 VMs on QEMU ` * :ref:`Create VMs with Multipass ` * :ref:`Create cloud image VMs with UVtool ` **VM tooling** * :ref:`How to use the libvirt library with virsh ` * :ref:`How to use virt-manager and other virt* tools ` * :ref:`How to enable nested virtualisation ` **Ubuntu in other virtual environments** * :ref:`Setting up Ubuntu on Hyper-V ` (Windows 11) .. toctree:: :hidden: QEMU QEMU VMs with up to 1024 vCPUs ARM64 VMs on QEMU Multipass UVtool Libvirt and virsh virt-manager Nested virtualization Ubuntu on Hyper-V