(install-munin)= # How to install and configure Munin The monitoring of essential servers and services is an important part of system administration. This guide will show you how to set up [Munin](https://munin-monitoring.org/) for performance monitoring. In this example, we will use two servers with hostnames: **`server01`** and **`server02`**. `Server01` will be set up with the `munin` package to gather information from the network. Using the `munin-node` package, `server02` will be configured to send information to `server01`. ## Prerequisites Before installing Munin on `server01`, {ref}`Apache2 will need to be installed `. The default configuration is fine for running a `munin` server. ## Install `munin` and `munin-node` First, on `server01` install the `munin` package. In a terminal enter the following command: ```bash sudo apt install munin ``` Now on `server02`, install the `munin-node` package: ```bash sudo apt install munin-node ``` ## Configure `munin` On `server01` edit the `/etc/munin/munin.conf` file, adding the IP address for `server02`: ```text ## First our "normal" host. [server02] address ``` > **Note**: > Replace `server02` and `` with the actual hostname and IP address for your server. ## Configure `munin-node` Next, configure `munin-node` on `server02`. Edit `/etc/munin/munin-node.conf` to allow access by `server01`: ```text allow ^172\.18\.100\.100$ ``` > **Note**: > Replace `^172\.18\.100\.100$` with the IP address for your `munin` server. Now restart `munin-node` on `server02` for the changes to take effect: ```bash sudo systemctl restart munin-node.service ``` ## Test the setup In a browser, go to `http://server01/munin`, and you should see links to nice graphs displaying information from the standard **munin-plugins** for disk, network, processes, and system. However, it should be noted that since this is a new installation, it may take some time for the graphs to display anything useful. ## Additional Plugins The `munin-plugins-extra` package contains performance checks and additional services such as DNS, DHCP, and Samba, etc. To install the package, from a terminal enter: ```bash sudo apt install munin-plugins-extra ``` Be sure to install the package on both the server and node machines. ## References - See the [Munin](https://munin-monitoring.org/) website for more details. - Specifically the [Munin Documentation](https://munin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) page includes information on additional plugins, writing plugins, etc.