Migrate a popular Docker image to a chiselled rock¶
snap enabled system (https://snapcraft.io)
LXD installed (https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/getting-started-cli/)
skopeo installed (https://github.com/containers/skopeo). Skopeo will also be automatically installed as a Rockcraft dependency
Docker installed (https://snapcraft.io/docker)
a text editor
Install Rockcraft¶
Install Rockcraft on your host:
sudo snap install rockcraft --classic
Project Setup¶
For this tutorial, the reference Docker image will be
Microsoft’s .NET Runtime 6.0.
The target base Ubuntu release will be Jammy, and the target architecture will
be amd64
Create a new directory, write the reference Dockerfile (pasted below) into a
text editor and save it as Dockerfile
ARG REPO=mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/runtime-deps
# Installer image
FROM amd64/buildpack-deps:jammy-curl AS installer
# Retrieve .NET Runtime
RUN dotnet_version=6.0.16 \
&& curl -fSL --output dotnet.tar.gz https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/dotnet/Runtime/$dotnet_version/dotnet-runtime-$dotnet_version-linux-x64.tar.gz \
&& dotnet_sha512='c8891b791a51e7d2c3164470dfd2af2ce59af3c26404e84075277e307df7dcd1e3ccf1a1a3c2655fe2eea8a30f8349b7adbbe5de4cedfee52da06729a505d8f5' \
&& echo "$dotnet_sha512 dotnet.tar.gz" | sha512sum -c - \
&& mkdir -p /dotnet \
&& tar -oxzf dotnet.tar.gz -C /dotnet \
&& rm dotnet.tar.gz
# .NET runtime image
FROM $REPO:6.0.24-jammy-amd64
# .NET Runtime version
COPY --from=installer ["/dotnet", "/usr/share/dotnet"]
RUN ln -s /usr/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/bin/dotnet
For the sake of comparison, start by building this Docker image by running:
docker build -t dotnet-runtime:reference .
The output should look as follows:
[+] Building 0.6s (10/10) FINISHED
=> [internal] load .dockerignore0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B0.0s
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 881B 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/runtime-deps:6.0.16-jammy-amd64 0.1s
=> [internal] load metadata for docker.io/amd64/buildpack-deps:jammy-curl 0.6s
=> [stage-1 1/3] FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/runtime-deps:6.0.16-jammy-amd64@sha256:e764c6f0cc866a1f2932 0.0s
=> [installer 1/2] FROM docker.io/amd64/buildpack-deps:jammy-curl@sha256:e1f00c6daf4cd328bbef9c52e6c60f18a 0.0s
=> CACHED [installer 2/2] RUN dotnet_version=6.0.16&& curl -fSL --output dotnet.tar.gz https://dotnet 0.0s
=> CACHED [stage-1 2/3] COPY --from=installer [/dotnet, /usr/share/dotnet] 0.0s
=> CACHED [stage-1 3/3] RUN ln -s /usr/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/bin/dotnet 0.0s
=> exporting to image 0.0s
=> => exporting layers 0.0s
=> => writing image sha256:a24cab51d4d02019dafcd22a2e2a3e1e6d033f9bbf1cb401d465cb2426bb2264 0.0s
=> => naming to docker.io/library/dotnet-runtime:reference 0.0s
Now, inspect this .NET reference image’s size:
docker images dotnet-runtime:reference
The output should look as follows:
dotnet-runtime reference a24cab51d4d0 4 minutes ago 187MB
And make sure it is functional:
docker run --rm dotnet-runtime:reference dotnet --info
The output should look as follows:
global.json file:
Not found
Architecture: x64
Commit: 1e620a42e7
.NET SDKs installed:
No SDKs were found.
.NET runtimes installed:
Microsoft.NETCore.App 6.0.16 [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]
Download .NET:
Learn about .NET Runtimes and SDKs:
Convert Dockerfile to rockcraft.yaml
From a quick analysis of the reference Dockerfile above, the following requirements must be met:
R1. The rock must be based on Ubuntu Jammy
R2. There is no predefined Entrypoint or default command
R3. The rock must have version 6.0 of the .NET Runtime installed
must be a symbolic link to the .NET binary
With these requirements in mind, and in the same directory as the Dockerfile
from above, write the following into a text editor and save it as
name: dotnet-runtime
summary: .NET Runtime 6.0
description: A Chiselled rock for the .NET Runtime 6.0
version: chiselled
# Use a "bare" base for an even smaller rock
base: bare
# Meeting requirement R1 by making sure the rock builds on Jammy
build-base: [email protected]
license: Apache-2.0
# Target architecture is amd64
amd64: # Make sure this value matches your computer's architecture
# For meeting requirement R2, simply don't specify any entrypoint (aka "services")
plugin: nil
# Based on requirement R3, install version 6.0 of the .NET runtime "libs" slice
- base-files_base
- dotnet-runtime-6.0_libs
# Based on requirement R4, create the symbolic link
override-prime: |
craftctl default
ln -s /usr/lib/dotnet/dotnet usr/bin/
Note the subtle chiselling of the .NET Runtime package in rockcraft.yaml
You are requesting Rockcraft to install the libs
slice of the
deb, which is defined in the
ubuntu-22.04 Chisel release.
Pack the Chiselled Rock with Rockcraft¶
To build the rock, run:
rockcraft pack --verbosity debug
The output should be similar to:
2023-04-19 15:52:48.045 Starting Rockcraft 0.0.1.dev1
2023-04-19 15:52:48.214 Launching instance...
2023-04-19 15:52:48.214 Executing on host: lxc remote list --format=yaml
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:57.784 Executing parts lifecycle: build install-dotnet-runtime
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:57.784 Executing action
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:57.784 execute action install-dotnet-runtime:Action(part_name='install-dotnet-runtime', step=Step.BUILD, action_type=ActionType.RUN, reason=None, project_vars=None, properties=ActionProperties(changed_files=None, changed_dirs=None))
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:57.785 load state file: /root/parts/install-dotnet-runtime/state/pull
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:58.081 :: 2023/04/19 13:56:58 Consulting release repository...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:58.349 :: 2023/04/19 13:56:58 Fetching current ubuntu-22.04 release...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:58.351 :: 2023/04/19 13:56:58 Processing ubuntu-22.04 release...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:58.369 :: 2023/04/19 13:56:58 Selecting slices...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:58.369 :: 2023/04/19 13:56:58 Fetching ubuntu 22.04 jammy suite details...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:04.548 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:04 Release date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:16:08 UTC
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:04.549 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:04 Fetching index for ubuntu 22.04 jammy main component...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:05.684 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:05 Fetching index for ubuntu 22.04 jammy universe component...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:25.215 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:25 Fetching ubuntu 22.04 jammy-security suite details...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.138 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:25.289 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:25 Release date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:55:48 UTC
2023-04-19 15:58:25.139 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:25.289 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:25 Fetching index for ubuntu 22.04 jammy-security main component...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.139 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:30.489 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:30 Fetching index for ubuntu 22.04 jammy-security universe component...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.139 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:32.522 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:32 Fetching ubuntu 22.04 jammy-updates suite details...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.139 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:32.667 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:32 Release date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 13:29:07 UTC
2023-04-19 15:58:25.139 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:32.668 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:32 Fetching index for ubuntu 22.04 jammy-updates main component...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.139 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:33.631 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:33 Fetching index for ubuntu 22.04 jammy-updates universe component...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.139 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:37.908 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:37 Fetching pool/main/b/base-files/base-files_12ubuntu4.3_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.139 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:38.157 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:38 Fetching pool/main/g/glibc/libc6_2.35-0ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.139 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:40.834 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:40 Fetching pool/main/g/gcc-12/libgcc-s1_12.1.0-2ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.140 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:41.262 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:41 Fetching pool/main/g/gcc-12/libstdc++6_12.1.0-2ubuntu1~22.04_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.140 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:42.001 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:42 Fetching pool/universe/d/dotnet6/dotnet-host_6.0.116-0ubuntu1~22.04.1_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.140 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:42.119 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:42 Fetching pool/universe/d/dotnet6/dotnet-hostfxr-6.0_6.0.116-0ubuntu1~22.04.1_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.140 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:42.237 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:42 Fetching pool/main/i/icu/libicu70_70.1-2_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.140 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:44.046 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:44 Fetching pool/main/u/ust/liblttng-ust-common1_2.13.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.140 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:44.146 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:44 Fetching pool/main/n/numactl/libnuma1_2.0.14-3ubuntu2_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.141 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:44.247 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:44 Fetching pool/main/u/ust/liblttng-ust-ctl5_2.13.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.141 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:44.355 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:44 Fetching pool/main/u/ust/liblttng-ust1_2.13.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.141 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:44.571 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:44 Fetching pool/main/o/openssl/libssl3_3.0.2-0ubuntu1.8_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.141 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:45.111 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:45 Fetching pool/main/l/llvm-toolchain-13/libunwind-13_13.0.1-2ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.141 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:45.213 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:45 Fetching pool/main/x/xz-utils/liblzma5_5.2.5-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.141 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:53.384 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:53 Fetching pool/main/libu/libunwind/libunwind8_1.3.2-2build2_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.141 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:53.523 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:53 Fetching pool/main/z/zlib/zlib1g_1.2.11.dfsg-2ubuntu9.2_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:58:25.141 :: 2023-04-19 13:57:53.982 :: 2023/04/19 13:57:53 Fetching pool/universe/d/dotnet6/dotnet-runtime-6.0_6.0.116-0ubuntu1~22.04.1_amd64.deb...
2023-04-19 15:56:00.566 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.756 Created new layer
2023-04-19 15:56:00.566 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.758 Adding Pebble entrypoint
2023-04-19 15:56:00.566 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.758 Configuring entrypoint...
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.767 Entrypoint set to ['/bin/pebble', 'enter']
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.767 Adding metadata
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.767 Configuring labels and annotations...
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.785 Labels and annotations set to ['org.opencontainers.image.version=chiselled', 'org.opencontainers.image.title=dotnet-runtime', 'org.opencontainers.image.ref.name=dotnet-runtime', 'org.opencontainers.image.licenses=Apache-2.0', 'org.opencontainers.image.created=2023-04-19T13:55:59.767870+00:00', 'org.opencontainers.image.base.digest=13155b5ad26816d4107ee499de072069a701c9fe183f7e347e8d88fee16e69c2']
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.792 Setting the ROCK's Control Data
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.797 Adding to layer: /tmp/tmpdqjmducj/.rock as '.rock'
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.797 Adding to layer: /tmp/tmpdqjmducj/.rock/metadata.yaml as '.rock/metadata.yaml'
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.803 Control data written
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.804 Metadata added
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:55:59.804 Exporting to OCI archive
2023-04-19 15:56:00.567 :: 2023-04-19 13:56:00.148 Exported to OCI archive 'dotnet-runtime_chiselled_amd64.rock'
At the end of the process, a file named dotnet-runtime_chiselled_amd64.rock
should be present in the current directory. That’s your chiselled rock,
as an OCI archive.
Test the rock¶
First, import the recently created rock into Docker:
sudo rockcraft.skopeo --insecure-policy copy oci-archive:dotnet-runtime_chiselled_amd64.rock docker-daemon:dotnet-runtime:chiselled
Now inspect the chiselled .NET Runtime rock the same way as it was done for the reference Docker image:
docker images dotnet-runtime:chiselled
Which should print something like:
dotnet-runtime chiselled 4e0951d180e3 About a minute ago 124MB
And make sure this rock is as functional as the reference Docker image:
docker run --rm dotnet-runtime:chiselled exec dotnet --info
The output should be similar to:
global.json file:
Not found
Architecture: x64
Commit: 1e620a42e7
.NET SDKs installed:
No SDKs were found.
.NET runtimes installed:
Microsoft.NETCore.App 6.0.16 [/usr/lib/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]
Download .NET:
Learn about .NET Runtimes and SDKs:
In this tutorial, you have migrated from an imperative container build
instructions (Dockerfile) to a declarative one (rockcraft.yaml
), without any
overhead on the final file’s size or complexity.
The resulting rock ended up being 63MB smaller than the reference one, while offering the same .NET Runtime functionality.