.. _fastapi-framework-reference: fastapi-framework ----------------- The FastAPI extension streamlines the process of building FastAPI application rocks. It facilitates the installation of FastAPI application dependencies, including Uvicorn, inside the rock. Additionally, it transfers your project files to ``/app`` within the rock. .. note:: The FastAPI extension is compatible with the ``bare`` and ``ubuntu@24.04`` bases. Project requirements ==================== There are 2 requirements to be able to use the ``fastapi-framework`` extension: 1. There must be a ``requirements.txt`` file in the root of the project with ``fastapi`` declared as a dependency 2. The project must include a ASGI app in a variable called ``app`` in one of the following files relative to the project root (in order of priority): * ``app.py`` * ``main.py`` * ``__init__.py``, ``app.py`` or ``main.py`` within the ``app`` or ``src`` directory or within a directory with the name of the rock as declared in ``rockcraft.yaml``. ``parts`` > ``fastapi-framework/install-app`` > ``prime`` ========================================================= You can use this field to specify the files to be included or excluded from your rock upon ``rockcraft pack``. Follow the ``app/`` notation. For example: .. code-block:: yaml parts: fastapi-framework/install-app: prime: - app/.env - app/app.py - app/webapp - app/templates - app/static Some files, if they exist, are included by default. These include: ``app``, ``src``, ````, ``app.py``, ``migrate``, ``migrate.sh``, ``migrate.py``, ``static``, ``templates``. Useful links ============ - :ref:`build-a-rock-for-a-fastapi-application`