Outsource rock builds to Launchpad

This guide shows you how to outsource rock builds to the Launchpad build farm. By building remotely, you can concurrently assemble rocks for all supported architectures.


The remote-build command is experimental and therefore subject to change.

Get ready

To build remotely, you will need to:

  1. Sign up for a Launchpad account

  2. Define desired architectures

  3. Ensure project is version-controlled by Git

Sign up for a Launchpad account

To build remotely, you need a Launchpad account.

If you don’t already have an account, you can sign up here.

Define desired architectures

Once you start your remote build, all architectures defined in the platforms key of your project file will be built. Rockcraft currently supports AMD64, ARM64, ARM hard float, IA-32, little-endian PowerPC 64-bit, RISC-V 64-bit and S390x. Your project file can contain any subset of these architectures.

For example, if you need to build rocks for AMD64, ARM64 and RISC-V 64-bit architectures, your project file would declare:


Ensure project is version-controlled by Git

To start a remote build on Launchpad, your project must be version-controlled by Git. Note that the repository doesn’t need to be hosted on Launchpad prior to build, as Rockcraft will automatically upload the Git repository in the current working directory to Launchpad on your behalf.

Start a remote build

In the root directory of your project, begin a remote build with:

rockcraft remote-build

When you enter the above command, Rockcraft will ask you to acknowledge that all remote builds are publicly available on Launchpad.

ubuntu@rock-dev:~$ rockcraft remote-build
remote-build is experimental and is subject to change. Use with caution.All data sent to remote builders will be publicly available. Are you sure youwant to continue? [y/N]:

If you aren’t logged in or haven’t yet registered for Launchpad, Rockcraft will ask you to do so in your web browser. If this is your first time initiating a remote build from your current host, you will then be asked to authorize access to your Launchpad account.

Once authorized, your project is uploaded to Launchpad and placed in the build queues for each architecture defined in your project file. Unless interrupted or timed out, the status of each build will be continuously monitored and reported back to you.

If you wish to stop monitoring the build at any time, you can interrupt it.

Check the build results

Once all of your builds have either built successfully or failed, your rocks are downloaded to the root of your project along with their build logs.

Your completed build can also be viewed on Launchpad by going to:


Replace <user> with your Launchpad username and <build-id> with the ID displayed when you started your build.

Interrupt a build

Due to build queue lengths varying per architecture, you may want to append the --launchpad-timeout=<seconds> option to remote-build to stop monitoring the build locally after a certain amount of time has elapsed.

If a build is in progress, it can also be interrupted using Ctrl + C, which will give you the option to cancel the build and perform cleanup. If cancelled, you will not have the option to recover this build later.

Recover interrupted builds

To resume a build that was interrupted or timed out, navigate to the root of your project and run:

rockcraft remote-build --recover