Containerise a PyPI package *************************** By the end of this tutorial you will be able to run pyfiglet via docker: .. code:: text $ docker run --rm -it pyfiglet:0.7.6 exec pyfiglet hello _ _ _ | |__ ___| | | ___ | '_ \ / _ \ | |/ _ \ | | | | __/ | | (_) | |_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/ Setup your environment ---------------------- .. include:: /reuse/tutorials/setup.rst Project setup ------------- To create a new Rockcraft project, create a new directory and change into it: .. literalinclude:: code/pyfiglet/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:create-pyfiglet-dir] :end-before: [docs:create-pyfiglet-dir-end] :dedent: 2 Next, create a file called ``rockcraft.yaml`` with the following contents: .. literalinclude:: code/pyfiglet/rockcraft.yaml :language: yaml Pack the rock with Rockcraft ---------------------------- To build the rock, run: .. literalinclude:: code/pyfiglet/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:build-rock] :end-before: [docs:build-rock-end] :dedent: 2 Run the rock in Docker ---------------------- First, import the recently created rock into Docker: .. literalinclude:: code/pyfiglet/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:skopeo-copy] :end-before: [docs:skopeo-copy-end] :dedent: 2 Now run the ``pyfiglet`` command from the rock: .. literalinclude:: code/pyfiglet/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:docker-run] :end-before: [docs:docker-run-end] :dedent: 2 Which should print: .. literalinclude:: code/pyfiglet/expected_output.txt :language: text Explore the running container ----------------------------- Since the rock uses an ubuntu base, you can poke around in a running container using bash, via: .. code:: yaml $ docker run --rm -it pyfiglet:0.7.6 exec bash root@14d1812a2681:/# pyfiglet hi _ _ | |__ (_) | '_ \| | | | | | | |_| |_|_|