Create a "Hello World" rock *************************** Setup your environment ---------------------- .. include:: /reuse/tutorials/setup.rst Project setup ------------- Create a new directory and write the following into a text editor and save it as ``rockcraft.yaml``: .. literalinclude:: code/hello-world/rockcraft.yaml :language: yaml This file instructs Rockcraft to build a rock that **only** has the ``hello`` package (and its dependencies) inside. For more information about the ``parts`` section, check :ref:`part_properties`. The remaining YAML fields correspond to metadata that help define and describe the rock. For more information about all available fields check :doc:`/reference/rockcraft.yaml`. Pack the rock with Rockcraft ---------------------------- To build the rock, run: .. literalinclude:: code/hello-world/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:build-rock] :end-before: [docs:build-rock-end] :dedent: 2 The output should look as follows: .. code-block:: text :emphasize-lines: 13 :class: log-snippets Launching instance... Retrieved base bare for amd64 Extracted bare:latest Executed: pull hello Executed: pull pebble Executed: overlay hello Executed: overlay pebble Executed: build hello Executed: build pebble Executed: stage hello Executed: stage pebble Executed: prime hello Executed: prime pebble Executed parts lifecycle Exported to OCI archive 'hello_latest_amd64.rock' At the end of the process, a file named ``hello_latest_amd64.rock`` should be present in the current directory. That's your rock, in oci-archive format (a tarball). Run the rock in Docker ---------------------- First, import the recently created rock into Docker: .. literalinclude:: code/hello-world/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:skopeo-copy] :end-before: [docs:skopeo-copy-end] :dedent: 2 Now run the ``hello`` command from the rock: .. literalinclude:: code/hello-world/task.yaml :language: bash :start-after: [docs:docker-run] :end-before: [docs:docker-run-end] :dedent: 2 Which should print: .. code-block:: text :class: log-snippets hello, world