.. _rockcraft_ant_plugin:
Ant plugin
The Ant plugin builds Java projects using the
`Apache Ant `_ build tool.
After a successful build, this plugin will:
* Create ``jar/`` directory in ``$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL``.
* Hard link the ``.jar`` files generated in ``$CRAFT_PART_BUILD`` to
* Find the ``java`` executable provided by the part and link it as
``$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/bin/java`` if ``/usr/bin`` exists.
In addition to the common :ref:`plugin ` and
:ref:`sources ` keywords, this plugin provides
the following plugin-specific keywords:
**Type:** list of strings
The ant targets to build. These are directly passed to the ``ant`` command line.
**Type:** str
The name of the main XML build file. Defaults to ``build.xml``.
**Type:** dict of strings to strings
A series of key: value pairs that are passed to ``ant`` as properties using the
``-D{key}={value}`` notation.
Environment variables
This plugin reads the ``http_proxy`` and ``https_proxy`` variables from
the environment to configure proxy access.
Please refer to
`Running Apache Ant `_ for
a list of environment variables used by Ant.
.. _rockcraft_ant-details-begin:
.. include:: /common/craft-parts/reference/plugins/ant_plugin.rst
:start-after: .. _ant-details-begin:
:end-before: .. _ant-details-end:
.. _rockcraft_ant-details-end:
.. include:: /common/craft-parts/reference/plugins/ant_plugin.rst
:start-after: .. _ant-details-end: