:tocdepth: 2 .. Check out the bottom of the page for the release template Changelog ********* 1.6.0 (2024-Oct-17) ------------------- Core ==== - Rockcraft 1.6.0 updates Pydantic, the internal library used to process ``rockcraft.yaml`` files, to a new major version. This change should not have any user-visible consequences, but please report any issues on `GitHub `_. - Managed (non-destructive) runs now fail as expected if the build plan is empty. For example, trying to build a project with only ``amd64`` in its ``platforms`` will now fail when building on a non-amd64 machine. - ``package-repositories`` entries now support ``series`` and ``pocket`` for ``apt`` repositories, and ``key-id`` for PPAs. Bases ##### ``bare`` """""""" - ``bare``-based rocks now have a default ``PATH`` value set on the image, following the behaviour of ``Pebble`` services. Plugins ####### ``poetry`` """""""""" - Add a new plugin for Python projects that use the `Poetry`_ build system. Extensions ########## fastapi-framework """"""""""""""""" - Add a new ``fastapi-framework`` extension for `FastAPI`_-based projects. flask-framework """"""""""""""" - On ``bare``-based rocks, the extension now uses Chisel slices for the Python interpreter. - Add support for the ``ubuntu@24.04`` base. django-framework """""""""""""""" - The ``django-framework`` extension is now stable and no longer requires the ``ROCKCRAFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSIONS`` environment variable. - Add support for the ``ubuntu@24.04`` base. go-framework """""""""""" - Add a new ``go-framework`` extension for Go-based projects. Command line ============ - Improve reporting of builds that fail because they match multiple platforms. - Improve error messages for invalid ``rockcraft.yaml`` files. - The ``pack`` command now supports ``--shell`` and ``--shell-after``, and correctly handles cases where the packing itself fails and the ``--debug`` argument is passed. - The ``clean`` command now supports the ``--platform`` argument to filter which build environments to clean. - Positional arguments are now correctly displayed on the ``help`` output of commands. - The terminal cursor is now hidden during execution. Init ==== - Add new ``--profile`` argument options for ``go-framework`` and ``fastapi-framework``. Documentation ============= - Add :ref:`reference documentation ` for the new ``poetry`` plugin. - Add a :ref:`how-to guide ` on adding internal users to rocks. - Improve the ``flask-framework`` :ref:`tutorial ` based on user feedback. - Add a :ref:`tutorial ` for the ``django-framework`` extension. - Add a :ref:`tutorial ` for the ``fastapi-framework`` extension. For a complete list of commits, check out the `1.6.0`_ release on GitHub. .. _FastAPI: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com .. _Poetry: https://python-poetry.org .. _1.6.0: https://github.com/canonical/rockcraft/releases/tag/1.6.0 .. release template: X.Y.Z (YYYY-MMM-DD) ------------------- Core ==== # for everything related to the lifecycle of packing a rock Bases ##### """""""""""""" (order from newest base to oldest base) Plugins ####### """""""" Extensions ########## """"""""""" Metadata ######## Sources ####### Command line ============ # for command line and UX changes Init ==== Documentation ============= For a complete list of commits, check out the `X.Y.Z`_ release on GitHub.