.. _craft_parts_make_plugin: Make plugin =========== The Make plugin can be used with projects that use a ``Makefile`` to build with `GNU Make`_. After a successful build, this plugin will run the ``install`` ``Makefile`` target with ``DESTDIR`` set to ``$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL``. Keywords -------- In addition to the common :ref:`plugin ` and :ref:`sources ` keywords, this plugin provides the following plugin-specific keywords: make-parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Type:** list of strings **Default:** [] Options to pass to make. Dependencies ------------ The plugin requires ``make``, its installation is handled by the plugin itself. From the project, the ``Makefile`` must support the ``install`` target and the use of ``DESTDIR``. How it works ------------ During the build step, the plugin performs the following actions: * Call ``make`` with any parameters defined in ``make-parameters`` * Call ``make install`` with the ``DESTDIR`` set to the installation directory defined for the part. Example ------- The following snippet declares a part using the ``make`` plugin, the source referred to in the part contains a ``Makefile`` at the root and and ``install`` target that respects ``DESTDIR``, an alternate compiler is set using ``make-parameters``: .. code-block:: yaml parts: make: source: . plugin: make make-parameters: - CC=clang build-packages: - clang .. _GNU Make: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/