How to enable Real-time Ubuntu


Real-time Ubuntu is supported on specific Ubuntu releases; see Real-time Ubuntu releases.

Attach an Ubuntu Pro token

Real-time Ubuntu is available through an Ubuntu Pro security and compliance subscription. If you don’t already have access to “Pro”, it’s free for personal use.


Once you enable Real-time Ubuntu, it won’t be possible to enable certain other Pro services. The external documentation for Pro Client describes which services are compatible with Real-time Ubuntu.

Real-time Ubuntu is not compatible with Livepatch. If Livepatch is enabled when you install Real-time Ubuntu, Pro will offer to disable it before continuing.

When running this command without a token, it will generate a short code and prompt you to attach the machine to your Ubuntu Pro account using a web browser:

sudo pro attach


Set -h/ --help flag to see the user manual for this or any other Pro command.

Install and enable automatically

The Real-time Ubuntu kernel is installed using the APT package manager. If you wish to access the repository but not install the package immediately, skip to Install and enable manually.

Otherwise, install Real-time Ubuntu and automatically select the right version for your OS and processor:


The different variants of the realtime kernel aren’t available in every Ubuntu release. Refer to Real-time Ubuntu releases for details.

Choose Generic or a corresponding variant:

sudo pro enable realtime-kernel


The generic realtime kernel is not intended for Raspberry Pi. Using the Pro client to install it on these platforms will make the system unusable.

You’ll need to acknowledge a warning, then you should see confirmation that the Real-time Ubuntu package is installed:

One moment, checking your subscription first
Real-time kernel cannot be enabled with Livepatch.
Disable Livepatch and proceed to enable Real-time kernel? (y/N) y
Disabling incompatible service: Livepatch
The Real-time kernel is an Ubuntu kernel with PREEMPT_RT patches integrated.

This will change your kernel. To revert to your original kernel, you will need
to make the change manually.

Do you want to continue? [ default = Yes ]: (Y/n) Y
Updating Real-time kernel package lists
Updating standard Ubuntu package lists
Installing Real-time kernel packages
Real-time kernel enabled
A reboot is required to complete install.

After rebooting, you’ll be running Real-time Ubuntu.

Install and enable manually

To access the Real-time Ubuntu repository but not install the package immediately, first use the --access-only flag:

$ sudo pro enable realtime-kernel --access-only

One moment, checking your subscription first
Real-time kernel cannot be enabled with Livepatch.
Disable Livepatch and proceed to enable Real-time kernel? (y/N) y
Disabling incompatible service: Livepatch
Updating Real-time kernel package lists
Skipping installing packages: ubuntu-realtime
Real-time kernel access enabled


The --access-only flag was introduced in Pro Client version 27.11.

Now that Real-time Ubuntu is accessible, you can install and enable it whenever you wish.

For example, to install the generic realtime kernel (not suitable for Raspberry Pi):

sudo apt install ubuntu-realtime

After rebooting, you’ll be running Real-time Ubuntu.