Tools for measuring real-time metrics ===================================== Various tools are available for measuring real-time metrics. Here are some tools along with example commands. .. note:: Some of the tools aren't available on the OS, but can be installed via Debian packages. The package names are provided in the corresponding sections. To install a Debian package: .. code-block:: shell sudo apt update sudo apt install cyclictest ---------- The `cyclictest`_ is most commonly used for benchmarking real-time systems, and providing precise measurements such as actual latency and maximum latency. It is included in the ``rt-tests`` Debian package. .. code-block:: shell sudo cyclictest --mlockall --smp --priority=80 --interval=200 --distance=0 where: * ``--mlockall``: Locks current and future memory allocations to prevent being paged out. * ``--smp``: Sets options for standard testing on SMP systems. * ``--priority=80``: Sets the priority of the first thread to 80. Each further thread gets a lower priority. * ``--interval=200``: Sets the base interval of the thread(s) to 200 microseconds. * ``--distance=0``: Sets the distance of thread intervals to 0 microseconds. This command runs a test case that is relevant for most Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) real-time systems. dstat ----- `dstat`_ is a versatile tool for generating system resource statistics. The tool can be installed with the ``dstat`` Debian package. .. note:: On Ubuntu 24.04, the ``dstat`` command is provided by the ``pcp`` package and does not support the ``--top-init`` option. .. code-block:: shell dstat --time --top-int where: * ``--time``: Enables time/date output. * ``--top-int``: Shows most frequent interrupt. This command displays system resource statistics with timestamps and shows most frequent interrupts. oslat ----- The `oslat`_ program is designed to identify thread latency at the OS level caused by unexpected system scheduling or interruptions such as system ticks. It is included in the ``rt-tests`` Debian package. .. code-block:: shell sudo oslat --duration 30s --cpu-list 0-3 --cpu-main-thread 0 --rtprio 95 --workload-mem 10M --workload memmove where: * ``--duration 30s``: Specifies the test duration of 30 seconds. * ``--cpu-list 0-3``: Specifies CPUs 0 through 3 to run on. If none are specified, it runs on all cores. * ``--cpu-main-thread 0``: Specifies CPU 0 as the CPU which the main thread runs on. * ``--rtprio 95``: Indicates a priority of 95 from the `SCHED_FIFO`_ from a range of 1-99. * ``--workload-mem 10M``: Sets the memory size for the workload to 10M. * ``--workload memmove``: Specifies the type of workload. Options: ``no``, ``memmove``. This command runs the ``oslat`` test and then prints the results, which include latency measurements for each core. ps --- The `ps`_ command reports a snapshot of the current processes. It helps monitoring system resource usage. .. code-block:: shell ps -A --format psr,tid,pid,comm,%cpu,priority,nice -T | sort --general-numeric-sort | grep irq where: * ``-A``: Selects all processes. * ``--format``: Specifies user-defined format to display processor (psr), thread ID (tid), process ID (pid), command name (comm), CPU utilization of the process in percentage format (%cpu), kernel scheduling priority, and `nice`_ value. * ``-T``: Shows the thread ID, possibly with process ID of the dispatchable entity (SPID) column. This command lists formatted information about all processes. filtering the output to display lines related to `interrupt requests`_ (IRQs). perf ---- The `perf`_ is a performance analysis tool for Linux. It collects and reports statistics about system-wide performance metrics such as CPU migrations, CPU cycles, instructions, and branches. It is included in the ``linux-tools-common`` Debian package. .. code-block:: shell sudo perf stat dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null count=1000000 With the above command, ``perf`` reports performance counter statistics for the execution of ``dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null count=1000000``, which reads 1 million null characters from `/dev/zero`_ and writes them to `/dev/null`_. This command can be utilized for measuring latency during disk operations. stress-ng --------- The `stress-ng`_ is a tool to load and stress a computer system. It was designed to exercise various physical subsystems of a computer as well as the various operating system kernel interfaces. This tool may be installed with the ``stress-ng`` Debian package. .. code-block:: shell sudo stress-ng --cpu 4 --vm 2 --hdd 1 --fork 8 --timeout 2m --metrics where: * ``--cpu 4``: Starts 4 workers exercising the CPU by sequentially working through all the different CPU stress methods. * ``--vm 2``: Starts 2 workers continuously calling `mmap`_ (2)/ `munmap`_ (2) and writing to the allocated memory. * ``--hdd 1``: Starts 1 worker continually writing, reading and removing temporary files. * ``--fork 8``: Starts 8 workers continually forking children that immediately exit. * ``--timeout 2m``: Runs each stress test for at least 2 minutes. * ``--metrics``: Outputs number of bogo operations in total performed by the stress processes. This command runs the specified workload and prints measurements including the real time spent executing the stressor, numbers of bogo operations and CPU usage. watch ----- The `watch`_ command is useful for monitoring changes over time by executing a program periodically. .. code-block:: shell watch --interval 1 cat /proc/interrupts With the ``--interval`` flag set to 1, the command updates the output every 1 second, providing a continuous stream of information from the ``/proc/interrupts`` file. This could be used to monitor real-time observation of system activities such as interrupts or status of processes. .. LINKS .. _cyclictest: .. _dstat: .. _oslat: .. _ps: .. _perf: .. _stress-ng: .. _watch: .. _nice: .. _SCHED_FIFO: .. _mmap: .. _munmap: .. _interrupt requests: .. _/dev/zero: .. _/dev/null: