How to configure CPUs for real-time processing ============================================== This is a guide to configuring CPUs for real-time processing, by passing startup commands to `Real-time Ubuntu`_. Performance-tuning features are compiled into the kernel; they can be controlled by various means. The approach you'll use here is a common one: passing in command lines via a bootloader. Prerequisites ------------- You'll need Real-time Ubuntu. A native installation is preferred: observations of real-time performance on a virtual machine can be misleading. To install Real-time Ubuntu, :doc:`enable-real-time-ubuntu` is recommended reading. Use a multi-core processor. Examples here were written for, and tested on, 12-core x86-64 (amd64) hardware. Your system will need a bootloader that can pass command lines --- GRUB is assumed. (Some computers can be configured to launch a kernel directly from firmware instead. That's rare and it doesn't support passing command lines.) Administrator ("root") privileges are required. .. caution:: Proceed at your own risk! You should be familiar with your bootloader --- in particular with accessing its menu during startup, updating its configuration, and recovering an unbootable machine if necessary. Experiment on an isolated system if possible. Back up important settings, software and data before continuing. Configuring bootloader parameters --------------------------------- You can temporarily or permanently configure parameters which GRUB will pass to Real-time Ubuntu. When first testing a real-time tuning feature, `configure it temporarily <#configure-grub- temporarily>`_. Temporary bootloader parameters are passed to the kernel on a single startup. To re-use them you'll need to re-enter them --- they don't persist across reboots. When you're satisfied that a parameter achieves what you want, you can make it permanent by `updating GRUB's configuration <#configure-grub-permanently>`_ then rebooting. Configure GRUB temporarily ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reboot, and interrupt GRUB's startup sequence at its bootloader menu. Highlight the entry --- usually **Ubuntu** --- that would boot Real-time Ubuntu. .. image:: grub-menu.png :alt: GRUB menu :width: 100% :align: center Press **e** to edit its boot parameters. Append parameters to the line that starts with ``linux``: .. image:: grub-edit.png :alt: GRUB edit :width: 100% :align: center * Leave a space before each new parameter * Don't add space on either side of ``=`` or other punctuation. Press :kbd:`Ctrl+X` to exit the editor and continue booting with the new parameters. Configure GRUB permanently ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once your device has booted, launch a terminal and edit GRUB's configuration: .. code-block:: shell sudo nano /etc/default/grub Append parameters to the line that starts with ``GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT``: * Enter parameters *inside* the double-quotes * Leave a space after each new parameter * Don't add space on either side of ``=`` or other punctuation. Press :kbd:`Ctrl+X` then :kbd:`Y` to save and close the editor. Update GRUB with its new configuration: .. code-block:: shell sudo update-grub Reboot. CPU lists ~~~~~~~~~ Several parameters require a `CPU list`_ --- a list of CPU numbers, starting from ``0`` and extending no higher than the number of CPUs. You can use ``N`` as shorthand for the number of CPUs. A CPU list must contain no spaces. The CPU numbers it specifies must be in strictly ascending order. Use a comma to separate individual numbers, with no space on either side. Ranges ^^^^^^ You may include ranges in a CPU list, to avoid specifying every CPU by its number. A simple range starts with a CPU number and ends with a higher one. Use a hyphen (``-``) to separate the numbers, with no space on either side; for example: ``1-4`` Within a range, you can specify equal-size subranges ("groups"). This is best illustrated by example. The range ``100-200:3/25`` starts at CPU 100 and ends at CPU 2000. Within the range, the first three CPUs are specified from consecutive groups of 25; it's equivalent to: ``100-102,125-127,150-152,175-177`` Like individual CPU numbers, a range must be separated from its neighbors by a comma with no space on either side. Valid examples: * ``0,1,2`` * ``0-2`` * ``1-3,5,7-11`` Non-compliant examples: * ``0,2,1`` (not strictly ascending) * ``0,1-3,3-6`` (not strictly ascending) * ``1-8`` (invalid in, say, an eight-CPU system, whose highest CPU number should be '7') Real-time tuning parameters --------------------------- Tune the performance of Real-time Ubuntu, by adding parameters from this section to your bootloader configuration. Reduce scheduler jitter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Real-time Ubuntu is compiled with the ``CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y`` kernel configuration option. This "`NO_HZ`_" facility can reduce jitter, by vetoing unnecessary scheduling-clock interrupts. (You can assist it by also `offloading read-copy-update <#reduce-read-copy-update-jitter>`_ tasks.) Tickless CPUs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An idle CPU has no tasks and therefore no scheduling requirement. When you enable NO_HZ *without* isolating any CPUs, idle ones will receive no scheduler ticks. They're then "tickless" (or "dyntick-idle"). To prevent scheduler ticks for tickless CPUs, configure the ``nohz`` kernel command-line parameter: ``nohz=on`` Adaptive-tick CPUs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Scheduler ticks are also pointless for a CPU with only one task: it has no other tasks for a scheduler to switch to. Isolate such "adaptive-ticks CPUs", to veto scheduler ticks for them (and, at the same time, for tickless CPUs) configure the following kernel command-line parameters: ``nohz=on nohz_full=`` where specifies the CPUs to be isolated. The list must not include the CPU that boots the system, meaning the ones you want to avoid receiving scheduling-clock interrupts. Reduce read-copy-update jitter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Callbacks for Linux's read-copy-update (RCU) mechanism are assigned to candidate CPUs. By removing a CPU from the candidate list you can reduce jitter in its remaining tasks. To allow that, Real-time Ubuntu is compiled with the ``CONFIG_RCU_NOCB_CPU=y`` kernel configuration option. To offload RCU callbacks from specified CPUs, use the kernel command-line parameter: ``rcu_nocbs=`` When RCU callbacks are offloaded from a CPU, it has more opportunity to enter dyntick-idle or adaptive-tick mode. That helps the NO_HZ facility to `reduce scheduler jitter <#reduce-scheduler-jitter>`_. Offloaded RCU callbacks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Offloaded RCU callbacks must still be processed somehow. For real-time performance, housekeeping CPUs make good candidates because they can tolerate jitter. You should specify candidate CPUs for RCU callbacks, otherwise the scheduler will make an assignment which may not suit your preference. You can't do that using bootloader parameters; instead use the userspace :command:`tuna` tool at runtime. For example, to assign all RCU callback threads to housekeeping CPU 0: .. code-block:: shell sudo tuna -t rcu* -c 0 -m Each offloaded callback thread must be woken up somehow, which introduces jitter if it's done by a candidate CPU. If you've assigned a housekeeping CPU, that may not matter; if it does, instead you can wake up RCU threads with a timer, set the following boot parameter: ``rcu_nocb_poll`` Isolate CPUs from SMP algorithms -------------------------------- Jitter can affect tasks assigned by the symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) balancing and scheduling algorithms. You can isolate CPUs, so tasks won't be assigned to them by those algorithms. To isolate CPUs from the general SMP scheduler, use the kernel command-line parameter: ``isolcpus=`` Having isolated a CPU, at runtime you can assign real-time tasks to it explicitly using CPU affinity or CPU sets. This facility combines well with protecting CPUs from having to `service interrupt requests <#exclude-cpus-from-irq-handling>`_ (IRQs). An isolated CPU without IRQ-handling duties can be assigned real-time tasks that demand minimal jitter. Exclude CPUs from IRQ handling ------------------------------ By default, the SMP algorithms may assign any CPU to service any IRQ. You can change that default (provided the IRQ controller supports IRQ affinity --- most controllers do). Protecting a CPU from having to service IRQs can remove significant jitter from its remaining tasks. Change the default IRQ-affinity list, to restrict which CPUs are available for servicing interrupts, use the kernel command-line parameter: ``irqaffinity=`` The list must not be empty --- IRQs have to be serviced somehow. Having ring-fenced a CPU from IRQ-handling duties, at runtime you can assign real-time tasks to it explicitly using CPU affinity or CPU sets. This facility combines well with `isolating CPUs <#isolate-cpus-from-smp-algorithms>`_ from SMP algorithms. An isolated CPU without IRQ-handling duties can be assigned real-time tasks that demand minimal jitter. The following example would isolate CPUs 3-5 from the SMP algorithms, and protect them from having to service IRQs. At runtime, they could be assigned to real-time tasks demanding minimal jitter: ``isolcpus=3-5 irqaffinity=0-2,6-N`` .. note:: You can't protect a CPU from all IRQ-handling duties. It may still have to service a small number of "soft IRQs". .. LINKS .. _Real-time Ubuntu: .. _NO_HZ: .. _CPU list: