.. _manage-realtime: How to enable Real-time Ubuntu ****************************** `Real-time Ubuntu `_ is supported on specific Ubuntu releases. To find out more about the supported Ubuntu versions and what kernel variants are available, refer to `the supported releases page `_. Attach your subscription ======================== If you have not yet attached your machine to an Ubuntu Pro subscription, you will need to do so in order to enable Real-time Ubuntu. You can do so by running the following command: .. code-block:: bash sudo pro attach And follow the instructions in your terminal window. For a more complete guide to the attach process, refer to our :ref:`how to attach ` guide. .. Make sure Pro is up to date .. include:: ./enable-disable/update-pro.txt .. important:: Once you enable Real-time Ubuntu, enabling some Pro services will not be possible. To see which services are compatible with the real-time kernel, refer to the `services compatibility matrix. `_. If you try to enable Real-time Ubuntu while an incompatible service is already enabled, the Pro Client will inform you and offer to disable that service. Enable and install automatically ================================ The Real-time Ubuntu kernel package is installed using the APT package manager when you enable ``realtime-kernel`` through the Pro Client. If you want to access the repository but not install the package immediately, skip to `Install and enable manually`_. Otherwise, `select the correct version `_ for your OS and processor, and use the corresponding command below: .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Generic .. code-block:: bash sudo pro enable realtime-kernel .. caution:: The generic Real-time kernel is not intended for Raspberry Pi. Using the Pro Client to install it on these platforms will make your system unusable. .. tab-item:: Raspberry Pi For Raspberry Pi 4 and 5: .. code-block:: bash sudo pro enable realtime-kernel --variant=raspi .. tab-item:: Intel IOTG For 12th Gen Intel® Core™ processors: .. code-block:: bash sudo pro enable realtime-kernel --variant=intel-iotg You will need to acknowledge a warning, then you will see a confirmation message like the following that the Real-time Ubuntu package has been installed: .. code-block:: text One moment, checking your subscription first Real-time kernel cannot be enabled with Livepatch. Disable Livepatch and proceed to enable Real-time kernel? (y/N) y Disabling incompatible service: Livepatch The Real-time kernel is an Ubuntu kernel with PREEMPT_RT patches integrated. This will change your kernel. To revert to your original kernel, you will need to make the change manually. Do you want to continue? [ default = Yes ]: (Y/n) Y Updating Real-time kernel package lists Updating standard Ubuntu package lists Installing Real-time kernel packages Real-time kernel enabled A reboot is required to complete install. You will now need to reboot your machine to complete the process. After rebooting, you will be running Real-time Ubuntu. Install and enable manually =========================== To access the Real-time Ubuntu repository but not install the package immediately, you can use the ``--access-only`` flag, which was introduced in Pro Client version 27.11: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo pro enable realtime-kernel --access-only One moment, checking your subscription first Real-time kernel cannot be enabled with Livepatch. Disable Livepatch and proceed to enable Real-time kernel? (y/N) y Disabling incompatible service: Livepatch Updating Real-time kernel package lists Skipping installing packages: ubuntu-realtime Real-time kernel access enabled Now that Real-time Ubuntu is accessible, you can install and enable it whenever you wish. For example, to install the generic Real-time kernel (not suitable for Raspberry Pi): .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install ubuntu-realtime After rebooting, you'll be running Real-time Ubuntu. Next steps ========== For more information about Real-time Ubuntu and how it can help you, refer to the `official Real-time Ubuntu`_ documentation. .. LINKS .. include:: ../links.txt .. _rt_releases: https://canonical-real-time-ubuntu-documentation.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/reference/releases/ .. _official Real-time Ubuntu: https://canonical-real-time-ubuntu-documentation.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/