.. _manage-fips: How to manage FIPS ****************** .. note:: FIPS is supported on Ubuntu `16.04, 18.04 and 20.04`_ releases. .. caution:: **Disabling FIPS is not recommended**: only enable FIPS on machines intended expressly to be used for FIPS. To use FIPS, one can either launch existing Ubuntu premium support images which already have the FIPS kernel and security pre-enabled on first boot at `AWS Ubuntu Pro FIPS images `_, `Azure Pro FIPS images `_, and GCP Pro FIPS images. Alternatively, you can enable FIPS using the Ubuntu Pro Client, which will install a FIPS-certified kernel and core security-related packages such as ``openssh-server/client`` and ``libssl``. To enable FIPS, run: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo pro enable fips You should see output like the following, indicating that the FIPS packages have been installed: .. code-block:: text Installing FIPS packages FIPS enabled A reboot is required to complete install. Enabling FIPS should be performed during a system maintenance window since this operation makes changes to underlying SSL-related libraries and requires a reboot into the FIPS-certified kernel. .. caution:: Once you enable FIPS, enabling some Pro services will not be possible. For a complete view of which services are incompatible with FIPS, refer to the `services compatibility matrix. `_ How to disable FIPS =================== If you wish to disable FIPS, you can use the following command: .. code-block:: bash sudo pro disable fips Note that this command will only remove the APT sources, but not uninstall the packages installed with the service. Your system will **still have the FIPS packages installed** after FIPS is disabled. To purge the service, removing the APT packages installed with it, potentially removing also the FIPS kernel, see :ref:`how to disable and purge services `. .. LINKS .. include:: ../links.txt .. _16.04, 18.04 and 20.04: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/using-the-ubuntu-pro-client-to-enable-fips