# Health checks Separate from the service manager, Pebble implements custom "health checks" that can be configured to restart services when they fail. ## Usage Checks are configured in the layer configuration using the top-level field `checks`: ```yaml # Optional: A list of health checks managed by this configuration layer. checks: : # Required override: merge | replace # Optional level: alive | ready # Optional startup: enabled | disabled # Optional period: # Optional timeout: # Optional threshold: # HTTP check # Only one of "http", "tcp", or "exec" may be specified. http: # Required url: # Optional headers: : # TCP port # Only one of "http", "tcp", or "exec" may be specified. tcp: # Required port: # Optional host: # Command execution check # Only one of "http", "tcp", or "exec" may be specified. exec: # Required command: # Optional service-context: # Optional environment: : # Optional user: # Optional user-id: # Optional group: # Optional group-id: # Optional working-dir: ``` Full details are given in the [layer specification](../reference/layer-specification). ## Options Each check can be one of three types. The types and their success criteria are: * `http`: an HTTP `GET` request to the URL specified must return an HTTP 2xx status code * `tcp`: opening the given TCP port must be successful * `exec`: executing the specified command must yield a zero exit code Each check is performed with the specified `period` (the default is 10 seconds apart), and is considered an error if a timeout happens before the check responds -- for example, before the HTTP request is complete or before the command finishes executing. A check is considered healthy until it's had `threshold` errors in a row (the default is 3). At that point, the check is considered "down", and any associated `on-check-failure` actions will be triggered. When the check succeeds again, the failure count is reset to 0. To enable Pebble auto-restart behavior based on a check, use the `on-check-failure` map in the service configuration (this is what ties together services and checks). For example, to restart the "server" service when the "test" check fails, use the following: ``` services: server: override: merge on-check-failure: # can also be "shutdown", "success-shutdown", or "ignore" (the default) test: restart ``` ## Examples Below is an example layer showing the three different types of checks: ``` checks: up: override: replace level: alive period: 30s threshold: 1 # an aggressive threshold exec: command: service nginx status online: override: replace level: ready tcp: port: 8080 test: override: replace startup: disabled http: url: http://localhost:8080/test ``` ## Checks command You can view check status using the `pebble checks` command. This reports the checks along with their status (`up`, `down`, or `inactive`) and number of failures. For example: ```{terminal} :input: pebble checks Check Level Startup Status Failures Change up alive enabled up 0/1 10 online ready enabled down 1/3 13 (dial tcp connect: connection refused) test - disabled down 42/3 14 (Get "http://localhost:8080/": dial t... run "pebble tasks 14" for more) extra - disabled inactive - - ``` The "Failures" column shows the current number of failures since the check started failing, a slash, and the configured threshold. The "Change" column shows the change ID of the [change](changes-and-tasks) driving the check, along with a (possibly-truncated) error message from the last error. Running `pebble tasks ` will show the change's task, including the last 10 error messages in the task log. Health checks are implemented using two change kinds: * `perform-check`: drives the check while it's "up". The change finishes when the number of failures hits the threshold, at which point the change switches to Error status and a `recover-check` change is spawned. Each check failure records a task log. * `recover-check`: drives the check while it's "down". The change finishes when the check starts succeeding again, at which point the change switches to Done status and a new `perform-check` change is spawned. Again, each check failure records a task log. When a check is stopped, the active `perform-check` or `recover-check` change is aborted. When a stopped (inactive) check is started, a new `perform-check` change is created for the check. ## Start-checks and stop-checks commands You can stop one or more checks using the `pebble stop-checks` command. A stopped check shows in the `pebble checks` output as "inactive" status, and the check will no longer be executed until the check is started again. Stopped (inactive) checks appear in check lists but do not contribute to any overall health calculations - they behave as if the check did not exist. A stopped check that has `startup` set to `enabled` will be started in a `replan` operation and when the layer is first added. Stopped checks can also be manually started via the `pebble start-checks` command. Checks that have `startup` set to `disabled` will be added in a stopped (inactive) state. These checks will only be started when instructed by a `pebble start-checks` command. Including a check that is already running in a `start-checks` command, or including a check that is already stopped (inactive) in a `stop-checks` command is always safe and will simply have no effect on the check. ## Health endpoint If the `--http` option was given when starting `pebble run`, Pebble exposes a `/v1/health` HTTP endpoint that allows a user to query the health of configured checks, optionally filtered by check level with the query string `?level=` This endpoint returns an HTTP 200 status if the checks are healthy, HTTP 502 otherwise. Stopped (inactive) checks are ignored for health calculations. Each check can specify a `level` of "alive" or "ready". These have semantic meaning: "alive" means the check or the service it's connected to is up and running; "ready" means it's properly accepting network traffic. These correspond to [Kubernetes "liveness" and "readiness" probes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/). The tool running the Pebble server can make use of this, for example, under Kubernetes you could initialize its liveness and readiness probes to hit Pebble's `/v1/health` endpoint with `?level=alive` and `?level=ready` filters, respectively. If only a "ready" check or only an "alive" check is configured, ready implies alive, and not-alive implies not-ready. If you've configured an "alive" check but no "ready" check, and the "alive" check is unhealthy, `/v1/health?level=ready` will report unhealthy as well, and the Kubernetes readiness probe will act on that. On the other hand, not-ready does not imply not-alive: if you've configured a "ready" check but no "alive" check, and the "ready" check is unhealthy, `/v1/health?level=alive` will still report healthy. If there are no checks configured, the `/v1/health` endpoint returns HTTP 200 so the liveness and readiness probes are successful by default. To use this feature, you must explicitly create checks with `level: alive` or `level: ready` in the layer configuration.