Ubuntu on OCI container registries ================================== **Ubuntu is one of the world's most popular container images,** a minimalistic Ubuntu image that offers the same security, versatility, and update cadence as other Ubuntu offerings. It is a developer favourite in container registries such as Docker Hub, with up to 30,000 pulls per week. **Available in all major OCI container registries,** such as Microsoft's ACR, Amazon's ECR, and of course, Docker Hub, as an official image from a verified publisher - Canonical. **A base container for trusted application images.** Container image provenance is a key aspect of any supply chain. The Ubuntu container image offers the ideal starting point for your application images, both in utility and trustworthiness. **Compatible with multiple platforms and available in different flavours.** The Ubuntu container image is published as a multi-arch Open Container Initiative (OCI) image, available for ``amd64``, ``arm``, ``arm64``, ``ppc64le`` and ``s390x``. Ubuntu Pro is also available for containers, which means hardened and security-enhanced versions of the public Ubuntu container image are also available. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: oci-tutorials/index oci-how-to/index oci-reference/index oci-explanation/index .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 .. grid-item-card:: :ref:`Tutorials ` **Get started** - become familiar with the Ubuntu container image and its common usage. .. grid-item-card:: :ref:`How-to guides ` **Step-by-step guides** - learn how to use the Ubuntu container image to achieve specific goals, like :ref:`deploying a Pro container image to a Pro Kubernetes cluster `. .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 :padding: 0 :reverse: .. grid-item-card:: :ref:`Reference ` **Technical information** - understand the design of Ubuntu container images and where you can get them from. .. grid-item-card:: :ref:`Explanation ` **Discussion and clarification** - dive a bit deeper into what Ubuntu and Ubuntu Pro container images are. Project and community ===================== This project is a member of the Ubuntu family and it warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes, and constructive feedback. * `Get support `_ * `Join our online chat `_ * `Discuss on IRC `_ * `Ubuntu Docker Images on Launchpad `_ * `Ubuntu Code of Conduct `_ * `Canonical contributor license agreement `_