--- discourse: 14345 --- (import-machines-to-instances)= # How to import physical or virtual machines to LXD instances ```{youtube} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9GALjHtnUU ``` If you have an existing machine, either physical or virtual (VM or container), you can use the `lxd-migrate` tool to create a LXD instance based on your existing disk or image. The tool copies the provided partition, disk or image to the LXD storage pool of the provided LXD server, sets up an instance using that storage and allows you to configure additional settings for the new instance. ```{note} If you want to configure your new instance during the migration process, set up the entities that you want your instance to use before starting the migration process. By default, the new instance will use the entities specified in the `default` profile. You can specify a different profile (or a profile list) to customize the configuration. See {ref}`profiles` for more information. You can also override {ref}`instance-options`, the {ref}`storage pool ` to be used and the size for the {ref}`storage volume `, and the {ref}`network ` to be used. Alternatively, you can update the instance configuration after the migration is complete. ``` The tool can create both containers and virtual machines: * When creating a container, you must provide a disk or partition that contains the root file system for the container. For example, this could be the `/` root disk of the machine or container where you are running the tool. * When creating a virtual machine, you must provide a bootable disk, partition, or an image in raw, QCOW, QCOW2, VDI, VHDX, or VMDK format. This means that just providing a file system is not sufficient, and you cannot create a virtual machine from a container that you are running. It is also not possible to create a virtual machine from the physical machine that you are using to do the migration, because the migration tool would be using the disk that it is copying. Instead, you could provide a bootable image, or a bootable partition or disk that is currently not in use. The tool can also inject the required VIRTIO drivers into the image: * To convert the image into raw format and inject the VIRTIO drivers during the conversion, use the following command: lxd-migrate --conversion=format,virtio ```{note} The conversion option `virtio` requires `virt-v2v-in-place` to be installed on the host where the LXD server runs. ``` * For converting Windows images from a foreign hypervisor (not from QEMU/KVM with Q35/`virtio-scsi`), you must install additional drivers on the host: * Install the `virtio-win` package or download the [`virtio-win.iso`](https://fedorapeople.org/groups/virt/virtio-win/direct-downloads/stable-virtio/virtio-win.iso) file and place it in the `/usr/share/virtio-win` directory. * Download [`rhsrvany.exe` and `pnp_wait.exe`](https://github.com/rwmjones/rhsrvany?tab=readme-ov-file#binary-releases), and place them in the `/usr/share/virt-tools/` directory. ````{tip} The `lxd-migrate` command with the `--conversion=format,virtio` option automatically converts the image and injects the VIRTIO drivers during the conversion. However, if you want to manually convert a Windows VM from a foreign hypervisor, you must install both the required Windows drivers (as described above) and `virt-v2v` (>= 2.3.4).
Expand to see how to convert your Windows VM using virt-v2v Use `virt-v2v` to convert Windows image into `raw` format and include the required drivers. ``` # Example 1. Convert a vmdk disk image to a raw image suitable for lxd-migrate sudo virt-v2v --block-driver virtio-scsi -o local -of raw -os ./os -i vmx ./test-vm.vmx # Example 2. Convert a QEMU/KVM qcow2 image and integrate virtio-scsi driver sudo virt-v2v --block-driver virtio-scsi -o local -of raw -os ./os -if qcow2 -i disk test-vm-disk.qcow2 ``` You can find the resulting image in the `os` directory and use it with `lxd-migrate` on the next steps. In addition, when migrating already converted images, `lxd-migrate` conversion options are not necessary.
```` ## Interactive instance import Complete the following steps to migrate an existing machine to a LXD instance: 1. Download the `bin.linux.lxd-migrate` tool ([`bin.linux.lxd-migrate.aarch64`](https://github.com/canonical/lxd/releases/latest/download/bin.linux.lxd-migrate.aarch64) or [`bin.linux.lxd-migrate.x86_64`](https://github.com/canonical/lxd/releases/latest/download/bin.linux.lxd-migrate.x86_64)) from the **Assets** section of the latest [LXD release](https://github.com/canonical/lxd/releases). 1. Place the tool on the machine that you want to use to create the instance. Make it executable (usually by running `chmod u+x bin.linux.lxd-migrate`). 1. Make sure that the machine has `rsync` installed. If it is missing, install it (for example, with `sudo apt install rsync`). 1. Run the tool: sudo ./bin.linux.lxd-migrate The tool then asks you to provide the information required for the migration. 1. Specify the LXD server URL, either as an IP address or as a DNS name. ```{note} The LXD server must be {ref}`exposed to the network `. If you want to import to a local LXD server, you must still expose it to the network. You can then specify `` as the IP address to access the local server. ``` 1. Check and confirm the certificate fingerprint. 1. Choose a method for authentication (see {ref}`authentication`). For example, if you choose using a certificate token, log on to the LXD server and create a token for the machine on which you are running the migration tool with [`lxc config trust add`](lxc_config_trust_add.md). Then use the generated token to authenticate the tool. 1. Choose whether to create a container or a virtual machine. See {ref}`containers-and-vms`. 1. Specify a name for the instance that you are creating. 1. Provide the path to a root file system (for containers) or a bootable disk, partition or image file (for virtual machines). 1. For containers, optionally add additional file system mounts. 1. For virtual machines, specify whether secure boot is supported. 1. Optionally, configure the new instance. You can do so by specifying {ref}`profiles `, directly setting {ref}`configuration options ` or changing {ref}`storage ` or {ref}`network ` settings. Alternatively, you can configure the new instance after the migration. 1. When you are done with the configuration, start the migration process.
Expand to see an example output for importing to a container ```{terminal} :input: sudo ./bin.linux.lxd-migrate Please provide LXD server URL: Certificate fingerprint: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok (y/n)? y 1) Use a certificate token 2) Use an existing TLS authentication certificate 3) Generate a temporary TLS authentication certificate Please pick an authentication mechanism above: 1 Please provide the certificate token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Remote LXD server: Hostname: bar Version: 5.4 Would you like to create a container (1) or virtual-machine (2)?: 1 Name of the new instance: foo Please provide the path to a root filesystem: / Do you want to add additional filesystem mounts? [default=no]: Instance to be created: Name: foo Project: default Type: container Source: / Additional overrides can be applied at this stage: 1) Begin the migration with the above configuration 2) Override profile list 3) Set additional configuration options 4) Change instance storage pool or volume size 5) Change instance network Please pick one of the options above [default=1]: 3 Please specify config keys and values (key=value ...): limits.cpu=2 Instance to be created: Name: foo Project: default Type: container Source: / Config: limits.cpu: "2" Additional overrides can be applied at this stage: 1) Begin the migration with the above configuration 2) Override profile list 3) Set additional configuration options 4) Change instance storage pool or volume size 5) Change instance network Please pick one of the options above [default=1]: 4 Please provide the storage pool to use: default Do you want to change the storage volume size? [default=no]: yes Please specify the storage volume size: 20GiB Instance to be created: Name: foo Project: default Type: container Source: / Storage pool: default Storage volume size: 20GiB Config: limits.cpu: "2" Additional overrides can be applied at this stage: 1) Begin the migration with the above configuration 2) Override profile list 3) Set additional configuration options 4) Change instance storage pool or volume size 5) Change instance network Please pick one of the options above [default=1]: 5 Please specify the network to use for the instance: lxdbr0 Instance to be created: Name: foo Project: default Type: container Source: / Storage pool: default Storage volume size: 20GiB Network name: lxdbr0 Config: limits.cpu: "2" Additional overrides can be applied at this stage: 1) Begin the migration with the above configuration 2) Override profile list 3) Set additional configuration options 4) Change instance storage pool or volume size 5) Change instance network Please pick one of the options above [default=1]: 1 Instance foo successfully created ```
Expand to see an example output for importing to a VM ```{terminal} :input: sudo ./bin.linux.lxd-migrate Please provide LXD server URL: Certificate fingerprint: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ok (y/n)? y 1) Use a certificate token 2) Use an existing TLS authentication certificate 3) Generate a temporary TLS authentication certificate Please pick an authentication mechanism above: 1 Please provide the certificate token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Remote LXD server: Hostname: bar Version: 5.4 Would you like to create a container (1) or virtual-machine (2)?: 2 Name of the new instance: foo Please provide the path to a root filesystem: ./virtual-machine.img Does the VM support UEFI Secure Boot? [default=no]: no Instance to be created: Name: foo Project: default Type: virtual-machine Source: ./virtual-machine.img Config: security.secureboot: "false" Additional overrides can be applied at this stage: 1) Begin the migration with the above configuration 2) Override profile list 3) Set additional configuration options 4) Change instance storage pool or volume size 5) Change instance network Please pick one of the options above [default=1]: 3 Please specify config keys and values (key=value ...): limits.cpu=2 Instance to be created: Name: foo Project: default Type: virtual-machine Source: ./virtual-machine.img Config: limits.cpu: "2" security.secureboot: "false" Additional overrides can be applied at this stage: 1) Begin the migration with the above configuration 2) Override profile list 3) Set additional configuration options 4) Change instance storage pool or volume size 5) Change instance network Please pick one of the options above [default=1]: 4 Please provide the storage pool to use: default Do you want to change the storage volume size? [default=no]: yes Please specify the storage volume size: 20GiB Instance to be created: Name: foo Project: default Type: virtual-machine Source: ./virtual-machine.img Storage pool: default Storage volume size: 20GiB Config: limits.cpu: "2" security.secureboot: "false" Additional overrides can be applied at this stage: 1) Begin the migration with the above configuration 2) Override profile list 3) Set additional configuration options 4) Change instance storage pool or volume size 5) Change instance network Please pick one of the options above [default=1]: 5 Please specify the network to use for the instance: lxdbr0 Instance to be created: Name: foo Project: default Type: virtual-machine Source: ./virtual-machine.img Storage pool: default Storage volume size: 20GiB Network name: lxdbr0 Config: limits.cpu: "2" security.secureboot: "false" Additional overrides can be applied at this stage: 1) Begin the migration with the above configuration 2) Override profile list 3) Set additional configuration options 4) Change instance storage pool or volume size 5) Change instance network Please pick one of the options above [default=1]: 1 Instance foo successfully created ```
1. When the migration is complete, check the new instance and update its configuration to the new environment. Typically, you must update at least the storage configuration (`/etc/fstab`) and the network configuration. ## Non-interactive instance import Alternatively, the entire instance import configuration can be provided using `lxd-migrate` flags. If any required flag is missing, `lxd-migrate` will interactively prompt for the missing value. However, when the `--non-interactive` flag is used, an error is returned instead. Note that if any flag contains an invalid value, an error is returned regardless of the mode (interactive or non-interactive). The `lxd-migrate` command supports the following flags that can be used in non-interactive migration: ``` Instance configuration: -c, --config Config key/value to apply to the new instance --mount-path Additional container mount paths --name Name of the new instance --network Network name --no-profiles Create the instance with no profiles applied --profiles Profiles to apply on the new instance (default [default]) --project Project name --source Path to the root filesystem for containers, or to the block device or disk image file for virtual machines --storage Storage pool name --storage-size Size of the instance's storage volume --type Type of the instance to create (container or vm) Target server: --server Unix or HTTPS URL of the target server --token Authentication token for HTTPS remote --cert-path Trusted certificate path --key-path Trusted certificate path Other: --conversion strings Comma-separated list of conversion options to apply. Allowed values are: [format, virtio] (default [format]) --non-interactive Prevent further interaction if migration questions are incomplete --rsync-args Extra arguments to pass to rsync ``` Example VM import to local LXD server: ```sh lxd-migrate \ --name v1 \ --type vm \ --source "${sourcePath}" \ --non-interactive ``` Example VM import to remote HTTPS server: ```sh # Token from remote server. token=$(lxc config trust add --name lxd-migrate --quiet) lxd-migrate \ --server https://example.com:8443 \ --token "$token" \ --name v1 \ --type vm \ --source "${sourcePath}" \ --non-interactive ``` Example VM import with secure boot disabled and custom resource limits: ```sh lxd-migrate \ --name v1 \ --type vm \ --source "${sourcePath}" \ --config security.secureboot=false \ --config limits.cpu=4 \ --config limits.memory=4GiB \ --non-interactive ```