(server)= # Server configuration The LXD server can be configured through a set of key/value configuration options. You can configure a server option with the following command: lxc config set If the LXD server is part of a cluster, some of the options apply to the cluster, while others apply only to the local server, thus the cluster member. Options marked with a `global` scope in the following tables are immediately applied to all cluster members. Options with a `local` scope must be set on a per-member basis. To do so, add the `--target` flag to the `lxc config set` command. The key/value configuration is namespaced. The following options are available: - {ref}`server-options-core` - {ref}`server-options-candid-rbac` - {ref}`server-options-cluster` - {ref}`server-options-images` - {ref}`server-options-misc` (server-options-core)= ## Core configuration The following server options control the core daemon configuration: Key | Type | Scope | Default | Description :-- | :--- | :---- | :------ | :---------- `core.bgp_address` | string | local | - | Address to bind the BGP server to (BGP) `core.bgp_asn` | string | global | - | The BGP Autonomous System Number to use for the local server `core.bgp_routerid` | string | local | - | A unique identifier for this BGP server (formatted as an IPv4 address) `core.debug_address` | string | local | - | Address to bind the `pprof` debug server to (HTTP) `core.dns_address` | string | local | - | Address to bind the authoritative DNS server to (DNS) `core.https_address` | string | local | - | Address to bind for the remote API (HTTPS) `core.https_allowed_credentials` | bool | global | - | Whether to set the `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` HTTP header value to `true` `core.https_allowed_headers` | string | global | - | `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` HTTP header value `core.https_allowed_methods` | string | global | - | `Access-Control-Allow-Methods` HTTP header value `core.https_allowed_origin` | string | global | - | `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` HTTP header value `core.https_trusted_proxy` | string | global | - | Comma-separated list of IP addresses of trusted servers to provide the client's address through the proxy connection header `core.metrics_address` | string | global | - | Address to bind the metrics server to (HTTPS) `core.metrics_authentication` | bool | global | `true` | Whether to enforce authentication on the metrics endpoint `core.proxy_https` | string | global | - | HTTPS proxy to use, if any (falls back to `HTTPS_PROXY` environment variable) `core.proxy_http` | string | global | - | HTTP proxy to use, if any (falls back to `HTTP_PROXY` environment variable) `core.proxy_ignore_hosts` | string | global | - | Hosts that don't need the proxy (similar format to `NO_PROXY`, for example, `,`, falls back to `NO_PROXY` environment variable) `core.remote_token_expiry` | string | global | - | Time after which a remote add token expires (defaults to no expiry) `core.shutdown_timeout` | integer | global | `5` | Number of minutes to wait for running operations to complete before the LXD server shuts down `core.trust_ca_certificates` | bool | global | - | Whether to automatically trust clients signed by the CA `core.trust_password` | string | global | - | Password to be provided by clients to set up a trust (server-options-candid-rbac)= ## Candid and RBAC configuration The following server options configure external user authentication, through {ref}`authentication-candid` or through {ref}`authentication-rbac`: Key | Type | Scope | Default | Description :-- | :--- | :---- | :------ | :---------- `candid.api.key` | string | global | - | Public key of the Candid server (required for HTTP-only servers) `candid.api.url` | string | global | - | URL of the external authentication endpoint using Candid `candid.domains` | string | global | - | Comma-separated list of allowed Candid domains (empty string means all domains are valid) `candid.expiry` | integer | global | `3600` | Candid macaroon expiry in seconds `rbac.agent.private_key` | string | global | - | Private key of the Candid agent as provided during RBAC registration `rbac.agent.public_key` | string | global | - | Public key of the Candid agent as provided during RBAC registration `rbac.agent.url` | string | global | - | URL of the Candid agent as provided during RBAC registration `rbac.agent.username` | string | global | - | User name of the Candid agent as provided during RBAC registration `rbac.api.expiry` | integer | global | - | RBAC macaroon expiry in seconds `rbac.api.key` | string | global | - | Public key of the RBAC server (required for HTTP-only servers) `rbac.api.url` | string | global | - | URL of the external RBAC server (server-options-cluster)= ## Cluster configuration The following server options control {ref}`clustering`: Key | Type | Scope | Default | Description :-- | :--- | :---- | :------ | :---------- `cluster.https_address` | string | local | - | Address to use for clustering traffic `cluster.images_minimal_replica` | integer | global | `3` | Minimal number of cluster members with a copy of a particular image (set to `1` for no replication or to `-1` for all members) `cluster.join_token_expiry` | string | global | `3H` | Time after which a cluster join token expires `cluster.max_standby` | integer | global | `2` | Maximum number of cluster members that are assigned the database stand-by role (must be between `0` and `5`) `cluster.max_voters` | integer | global | `3` | Maximum number of cluster members that are assigned the database voter role (must be an odd number >= `3`) `cluster.offline_threshold` | integer | global | `20` | Number of seconds after which an unresponsive member is considered offline (server-options-images)= ## Images configuration The following server options configure how to handle {ref}`images`: Key | Type | Scope | Default | Description :-- | :--- | :---- | :------ | :---------- `images.auto_update_cached` | bool | global | `true` | Whether to automatically update any image that LXD caches `images.auto_update_interval` | integer | global | `6` | Interval (in hours) at which to look for updates to cached images (`0` to disable) `images.compression_algorithm` | string | global | `gzip` | Compression algorithm to use for new images (`bzip2`, `gzip`, `lzma`, `xz` or `none`) `images.default_architecture` | string | - | - | Default architecture to use in a mixed-architecture cluster `images.remote_cache_expiry` | integer | global | `10` | Number of days after which an unused cached remote image is flushed (server-options-misc)= ## Miscellaneous options The following server options configure server-specific settings for {ref}`instances`, MAAS integration, {ref}`OVN ` integration, {ref}`Backups ` and {ref}`storage`: ```{rst-class} break-col-4 min-width-4-8 ``` (server-options)= Key | Type | Scope | Default | Description :-- | :--- | :---- | :------ | :---------- `backups.compression_algorithm` | string | global | `gzip` | Compression algorithm to use for new images (`bzip2`, `gzip`, `lzma`, `xz` or `none`) `maas.api.key` | string | global | - | API key to manage MAAS `maas.api.url` | string | global | - | URL of the MAAS server `maas.machine` | string | local | host name | Name of this LXD host in MAAS `network.ovn.integration_bridge` | string | global | `br-int` | OVS integration bridge to use for OVN networks `network.ovn.northbound_connection` | string | global | `unix:/var/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.sock` | OVN northbound database connection string `storage.backups_volume` | string | local | - | Volume to use to store the backup tarballs (syntax is `POOL/VOLUME`) `storage.images_volume` | string | local | - | Volume to use to store the image tarballs (syntax is `POOL/VOLUME`)