# Server configuration The server configuration is a simple set of key and values. The key/value configuration is namespaced with the following namespaces currently supported: - `backups` (backups configuration) - `candid` (External user authentication through Candid) - `cluster` (cluster configuration) - `core` (core daemon configuration) - `images` (image configuration) - `maas` (MAAS integration) - `rbac` (Role Based Access Control through external Candid + Canonical RBAC) ```{rst-class} break-col-4 min-width-4-8 ``` Key | Type | Scope | Default | Description :-- | :--- | :---- | :------ | :---------- backups.compression\_algorithm | string | global | gzip | Compression algorithm to use for new images (bzip2, gzip, lzma, xz or none) candid.api.key | string | global | - | Public key of the candid server (required for HTTP-only servers) candid.api.url | string | global | - | URL of the the external authentication endpoint using Candid candid.domains | string | global | - | Comma-separated list of allowed Candid domains (empty string means all domains are valid) candid.expiry | integer | global | 3600 | Candid macaroon expiry in seconds cluster.https\_address | string | local | - | Address to use for clustering traffic cluster.images\_minimal\_replica | integer | global | 3 | Minimal numbers of cluster members with a copy of a particular image (set 1 for no replication, -1 for all members) cluster.max\_standby | integer | global | 2 | Maximum number of cluster members that will be assigned the database stand-by role cluster.max\_voters | integer | global | 3 | Maximum number of cluster members that will be assigned the database voter role cluster.offline\_threshold | integer | global | 20 | Number of seconds after which an unresponsive node is considered offline core.debug\_address | string | local | - | Address to bind the pprof debug server to (HTTP) core.https\_address | string | local | - | Address to bind for the remote API (HTTPS) core.https\_allowed\_credentials | boolean | global | - | Whether to set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials http header value to "true" core.https\_allowed\_headers | string | global | - | Access-Control-Allow-Headers http header value core.https\_allowed\_methods | string | global | - | Access-Control-Allow-Methods http header value core.https\_allowed\_origin | string | global | - | Access-Control-Allow-Origin http header value core.https\_trusted\_proxy | string | global | - | Comma-separated list of IP addresses of trusted servers to provide the client's address through the proxy connection header core.proxy\_https | string | global | - | https proxy to use, if any (falls back to HTTPS\_PROXY environment variable) core.proxy\_http | string | global | - | http proxy to use, if any (falls back to HTTP\_PROXY environment variable) core.proxy\_ignore\_hosts | string | global | - | hosts which don't need the proxy for use (similar format to NO\_PROXY, e.g.,, falls back to NO\_PROXY environment variable) core.shutdown\_timeout | integer | global | 5 | Number of minutes to wait for running operations to complete before LXD server shut down core.trust\_ca\_certificates | boolean | global | - | Whether to automatically trust clients signed by the CA core.trust\_password | string | global | - | Password to be provided by clients to setup a trust images.auto\_update\_cached | boolean | global | true | Whether to automatically update any image that LXD caches images.auto\_update\_interval | integer | global | 6 | Interval in hours at which to look for update to cached images (0 disables it) images.compression\_algorithm | string | global | gzip | Compression algorithm to use for new images (bzip2, gzip, lzma, xz or none) images.remote\_cache\_expiry | integer | global | 10 | Number of days after which an unused cached remote image will be flushed maas.api.key | string | global | - | API key to manage MAAS maas.api.url | string | global | - | URL of the MAAS server maas.machine | string | local | hostname | Name of this LXD host in MAAS rbac.agent.private\_key | string | global | - | The Candid agent private key as provided during RBAC registration rbac.agent.public\_key | string | global | - | The Candid agent public key as provided during RBAC registration rbac.agent.url | string | global | - | The Candid agent url as provided during RBAC registration rbac.agent.username | string | global | - | The Candid agent username as provided during RBAC registration rbac.api.expiry | integer | global | - | RBAC macaroon expiry in seconds rbac.api.key | string | global | - | Public key of the RBAC server (required for HTTP-only servers) rbac.api.url | string | global | - | URL of the external RBAC server storage.backups\_volume | string | local | - | Volume to use to store the backup tarballs (syntax is POOL/VOLUME) storage.images\_volume | string | local | - | Volume to use to store the image tarballs (syntax is POOL/VOLUME) Those keys can be set using the lxc tool with: ```bash lxc config set ``` When operating as part of a cluster, the keys marked with a `global` scope will immediately be applied to all the cluster members. Those keys with a `local` scope must be set on a per member basis using the `--target` option of the command line tool. ## Exposing LXD to the network By default, LXD can only be used by local users through a UNIX socket. To expose LXD to the network, you'll need to set `core.https_address`. All remote clients can then connect to LXD and access any image which was marked for public use. Trusted clients can be manually added to the trust store on the server with `lxc config trust add` or the `core.trust_password` key can be set allowing for clients to self-enroll into the trust store at connection time by providing the configured password. More details about authentication can be found [here](security.md). ## External authentication LXD when accessed over the network can be configured to use external authentication through [Candid](https://github.com/canonical/candid). Setting the `candid.*` configuration keys above to the values matching your Candid deployment will allow users to authenticate through their web browsers and then get trusted by LXD. For those that have a Canonical RBAC server in front of their Candid server, they can instead set the `rbac.*` configuration keys which are a superset of the `candid.*` ones and allow for LXD to integrate with the RBAC service. When integrated with RBAC, individual users and groups can be granted various level of access on a per-project basis. All of this is driven externally through the RBAC service. More details about authentication can be found [here](security.md).