(network-physical)= # Physical network The `physical` network type connects to an existing physical network, which can be a network interface or a bridge, and serves as an uplink network for OVN. This network type allows to specify presets to use when connecting OVN networks to a parent interface or to allow an instance to use a physical interface as a NIC. In this case, the instance NICs can simply set the `network`option to the network they connect to without knowing any of the underlying configuration details. (network-physical-options)= ## Configuration options The following configuration key namespaces are currently supported for the `physical` network type: - `bgp` (BGP peer configuration) - `dns` (DNS server and resolution configuration) - `ipv4` (L3 IPv4 configuration) - `ipv6` (L3 IPv6 configuration) - `maas` (MAAS network identification) - `ovn` (OVN configuration) - `user` (free-form key/value for user metadata) ```{note} {{note_ip_addresses_CIDR}} ``` The following configuration options are available for the `physical` network type: % Include content from [../metadata.txt](../metadata.txt) ```{include} ../metadata.txt :start-after: :end-before: ``` (network-physical-features)= ## Supported features The following features are supported for the `physical` network type: - {ref}`network-bgp`