(devices-usb)= # Type: `usb` ```{youtube} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAord28VS4g :title: LXD USB devices ``` ```{note} The `usb` device type is supported for both containers and VMs. It supports hotplugging for both containers and VMs. ``` USB devices make the specified USB device appear in the instance. For performance issues, avoid using devices that require high throughput or low latency. For containers, only `libusb` devices (at `/dev/bus/usb`) are passed to the instance. This method works for devices that have user-space drivers. For devices that require dedicated kernel drivers, use a [`unix-char` device](devices-unix-char) or a [`unix-hotplug` device](devices-unix-hotplug) instead. For virtual machines, the entire USB device is passed through, so any USB device is supported. When a device is passed to the instance, it vanishes from the host. ## Device options `usb` devices have the following device options: % Include content from [../metadata.txt](../metadata.txt) ```{include} ../metadata.txt :start-after: :end-before: ``` ## Configuration examples Add a `usb` device to an instance by specifying its vendor ID and product ID: lxc config device add usb vendorid= productid= To determine the vendor ID and product ID, you can use {command}`lsusb`, for example. See {ref}`instances-configure-devices` for more information.