Debug Build Farm on qastaging ============================= Access a builder ---------------- The builders are ephemeral, meaning they fully reset after a build. Therefore, to access the builder, one should either: * access it during the duration of a build. * ``disable`` the builder after starting a build so that it doesn't automatically trigger the reset when the build finishes. .. note:: You should wait until you see some output in the build log before you ``disable`` the builder, otherwise the build might not get dispatched properly. Disable a builder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You need to have the ubuntu-archive-tools installed. .. code-block:: sh $ git clone $ sudo apt install python3-launchpadlib python3-ubuntutools For example, you want to debug the ``lcy02-amd64-004`` instance. .. code-block:: sh ❯ ./manage-builders -l qastaging -b qastaging-lcy02-amd64-004 --disable Updating 1 builders. * qastaging-lcy02-amd64-004 Changed: 1. Unchanged: 0. You can look up the builder name on or via ``manage-builders -l qastaging``. SSH into the builder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you are ready to access a builder, follow these steps: 1. SSH into bastion ``ssh launchpad-bastion-ps5`` and switch to the ``stb-vbuilder-qastaging`` user by running ``sudo -iu stg-vbuilder-qastaging``. 2. Juju ssh into the ``vbuilder-manage`` for the region your builder is, for example ``juju ssh vbuilder-manage-bos03/leader``. 3. Switch to the ``ppa`` user by running ``sudo -iu ppa``. 4. SSH into builder instance. For example, to access the ``bos03-amd64-004`` builder, you should run ``ssh ubuntu@qastaging-bos03-amd64-004.vbuilder.qastaging.bos03.scalingstack``. This builder address can be found when click on the builder on From there, you can check the ``launchpad-buildd`` logs in ``/var/log/launchpad-buildd/`` or run commands within the builder. The build itself should be done within a container within the builder. If you need to look into the container, you can ``lxc list`` to list the lxc containers present in the builder, and then run ``lxc shell`` to start a shell session from within the container. Clean-up ~~~~~~~~ Once you have finished, please remember to enable the builder again. .. code-block:: sh ❯ ./manage-builders -l qastaging -b qastaging-lcy02-amd64-004 --enable Updating 1 builders. * qastaging-lcy02-amd64-004 Changed: 1. Unchanged: 0.