Launchpad Registry ================== .. include:: ../includes/important_not_revised.rst The registry is a core domain that most all Launchpad applications require. The code is primarily located in lp.registry and Pillars ------- Pillars are distributions, projects and project groups. They share a common set of features. | ``   * Name Blacklist: The rules that prevent names for being used either`` | ``   because of application restrictions or organisational ownership.`` | ``   * Announcements: They appear on pages and in RSS.`` | ``   * Application Configuration: The pages that allow owners to set where`` | ``   services are hosted and configure Launchpad usage.`` Projects ~~~~~~~~ Projects commonly produce software, art, or some work that can be used. Projects have maintainers, and drivers, but are shared by communities who make contributions according to their own interests. | ``   * Licenses: The terms that govern the use, distribution and modification`` | ``   of the work produced by the project. <`` | ``>`` | ``   * Commercial subscriptions: The rules that permits proprietary projects`` | ``   to use Launchpad.`` | ``   * Project groups: A grouping of projects that provides aggregated views`` | ``   of bugs, blueprints, and answers. The group drivers are drivers of the`` | ``   projects.`` Distributions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ubuntu's releases are mirrored by other sites. | ``   * Mirrors: CD and archive mirrors of distribution releases.`` | ``   * Distribution mirror prober: The process that checks the freshness of`` | ``   mirrors.`` Series, Milestones, and releases -------------------------------- Projects and distributions have series of milestones that mark progress toward a goal (releases). Project releases are often associated with tarballs or installers. | ``   * Series: A sequence or grouping of goals that constitute an planned`` | ``   effort to produce a finished work.`` | ``   * Milestones: time-bases or feature-based goals.`` | ``   * Releases: A completed goal that culminated in a release of files that`` | ``   may by finished or be in an alpha or beta state.`` | ``   * Product release finder: A process to locates release files on remote`` | ``   sites and uploads them to Launchpad, possibly creating milestone and`` | ``   releases on series.`` | ``   * timelines: A representation of series, releases, and timelines.`` Source Packages --------------- Distribution and distro series source packages summarise current and historical uploads of packages. | ``   * Source package names`` | ``   * Distribution source package`` | ``   * (Distro series) source package`` | ``   * Packaging links`` Persons ------- Persons are users or teams registered either by a human or an import process. Person may own, manage, or interact with Launchpad artefacts. Users ~~~~~ Users represent a person. Most are registered by processes. Some users are active, meaning that a human may authenticate to assume the identity of a person. | ``   * GPG`` | ``   * SSH`` | ``   * IRC`` | ``   * Jabber`` | ``   * Wiki name`` | ``   * Code of Conduct`` | ``   * Location`` | ``   * Karma`` Teams ~~~~~ Teams represents a group of users that discuss common issues or may control Launchpad artefacts. Teams are mostly registered by users, though some may be registered by an import process. | ``   * Team membership`` | ``   * Team participation`` | ``   * Mailing Lists`` | ``   * Polls`` | ``   * Privacy``