Launchpad Mail ============== .. include:: ../includes/important_not_revised.rst There are various kinds of emails in Launchpad: 1. Mailing lists (represented by Launchpad teams). A mailing list has an address ````, archives (````), and an administrative interface (````). Launchpad uses `Mailman `__ to process these kinds of mails. 2. Emails sent from one user to another (that is, an email sent "by" Launchpad, but really sent by user Alice when Alice uses the ```` form to contact user Barry. 3. Emails sent by Launchpad itself, such as emails sent to subscribers when a bug is changed. 4. Emails received by Launchpad itself, such as emails sent by users to manipulate the bug tracker. We should document all these kinds of email here, but right now this page is really in draft state, so it's just a grab bag of various information. We'll continue to improve it; please :doc:`../help` us if you can. Configuring Mail ---------------- Outgoing mail is configured using configs, so you'll need a config that puts outgoing mail somewhere you can see it. Like so: **WARNING: this configuration info may be outdated; it's taken from documentation that was last modified in Sep 2008:** :: You can then specify the config to make: :: make LPCONFIG=+abentley run_all