Developing with YUI.Test ======================== Or putting the fun back into JavaScript This is a short primer to introduce you to YUI.Test. As you might have noticed, hacking in JavaScript, né LiveScript, ceased to be fun when Internet Explore implemented JScript, a freak cross bread of the JavaScript syntax and VBScript. Other browser makers entered into the cross-breading competition and I left for a job that let me put all the logic in the server. I spent two days creating the milestone_table script that allows users to create milestones and add them to the table. This involved a refactoring of the milestoneoverlay script and adding what appeared to be a few lines to call the existing view that renders a milestone table row. Day one was horrible, there was a lot of shouting, words were said that may have hurt my computer's feelings. There were two problems. The first was that my extraction of the milestoneoverlay script had failed. This was not true as I learned. The Windmill test broke weeks before I started my branch because the page layout changed. The second problem was the complexity of corner-cases led to unpredictable behaviours. Day two was a fun roller coaster ride refactoring my script from first principles using unit tests. YUI.Test made me write a library, structure my code to have simple contracts to do simple things, and let me refactor safely. After a few hours, I was able to bring predictable behaviour to the script and I believe the code was much easier to read. You can see the milestone_table script library and its tests at ``lib/lp/registry/javascript``. What is YUI.Test ---------------- You can read the summary and API of YUI.Test at - - It is not as solid as other xUnit frameworks. JavaScript does not support imports which can be used to provide stubs and mocks. The Y.Mock tools can test params and methods, but not callables; you will need to monkey patch a callable when you need to verify that your script passed the expected arguments to a YUI method. It is automated, but the best way to run tests interactively is in your browser. It is better than anything else we have used. It is fast to develop, easy to maintain, and allows good designs to emerge. Since the test harness is a page, you can develop a library/widget in many small branches before you decide it is ready to include in the zpt. The Harness and Runner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JS testing involves two parts. One is an html file that will bootstrap the environment and load the required code needed to test. There are sample templates to help bootstrap your tests in the application root. Copy them from: - standard_test_template.html - standard_test_template.js The first step is to setup the html file. You'll need to adjust the paths of the various script files included. All code not under direct test should be pulled from the build/js directory. Replace ${LIBRARY} with the name of your module you're testing. For instance if you're working on adding tests to app.widget you'd: .. code:: %s/${LIBRARY}/app.widget The test runner picks up the modules that need to be run based on the ``
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