juju help-tool

See also: help


Show help on a Juju charm hook tool.


juju help-tool [options] [tool]


For help on a specific tool, supply the name of that tool, for example:

    juju help-tool unit-get


Juju charms can access a series of built-in helpers called ‘hook-tools’. These are useful for the charm to be able to inspect its running environment. Currently available charm hook tools are:

action-fail              Set action fail status with message.
action-get               Get action parameters.
action-log               Record a progress message for the current action.
action-set               Set action results.
application-version-set  Specify which version of the application is deployed.
close-port               Register a request to close a port or port range.
config-get               Print application configuration.
credential-get           Access cloud credentials.
goal-state               Print the status of the charm's peers and related units.
is-leader                Print application leadership status.
juju-log                 Write a message to the juju log.
juju-reboot              Reboot the host machine.
network-get              Get network config.
open-port                Register a request to open a port or port range.
opened-ports             List all ports or port ranges opened by the unit.
relation-get             Get relation settings.
relation-ids             List all relation IDs for the given endpoint.
relation-list            List relation units.
relation-model-get       Get details about the model hosing a related application.
relation-set             Set relation settings.
resource-get             Get the path to the locally cached resource file.
secret-add               Add a new secret.
secret-get               Get the content of a secret.
secret-grant             Grant access to a secret.
secret-ids               Print secret IDs.
secret-info-get          Get a secret's metadata info.
secret-remove            Remove an existing secret.
secret-revoke            Revoke access to a secret.
secret-set               Update an existing secret.
state-delete             Delete server-side-state key value pairs.
state-get                Print server-side-state value.
state-set                Set server-side-state values.
status-get               Print status information.
status-set               Set status information.
storage-add              Add storage instances.
storage-get              Print information for the storage instance with the specified ID.
storage-list             List storage attached to the unit.
unit-get                 Print public-address or private-address.