juju exec

See also: run, ssh


Run the commands on the remote targets specified.


juju exec [options] <commands>





-B, --no-browser-login


Do not use web browser for authentication

-a, --app, --application

One or more application names



Run the commands on all the machines



Run the task in the background



Use ANSI color codes in output


Commands in the same execution group are run sequentially



Specify output format (json|plain|yaml)

-m, --model

Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>


One or more machine ids



Disable ANSI color codes in output

-o, --output

Specify an output file



Run the commands in parallel without first acquiring a lock

-u, --unit

One or more unit ids



Show times in UTC



Maximum wait time for a task to complete


juju exec --all -- hostname -f

juju exec --unit hello/0 env

juju exec --unit controller/0 juju-engine-report


Run a shell command on the specified targets. Only admin users of a model are able to use this command.

Targets are specified using either machine ids, application names or unit names. At least one target specifier is needed.

Multiple values can be set for –machine, –application, and –unit by using comma separated values.

Depending on the type of target, the user which the command runs as will be: unit -> “root” machine -> “ubuntu” The target and user are independent of whether –all or –application are used. For example, –all will run as “ubuntu” on machines and “root” on units. And –application will run as “root” on all units of that application.

Some options are shortened for usabilty purpose in CLI –application can also be specified as –app and -a –unit can also be specified as -u

Valid unit identifiers are: a standard unit ID, such as mysql/0 or; leader syntax of the form <application>/leader, such as mysql/leader.

If the target is an application, the command is run on all units for that application. For example, if there was an application “mysql” and that application had two units, “mysql/0” and “mysql/1”, then –application mysql is equivalent to –unit mysql/0,mysql/1

Commands run for applications or units are executed in a ‘hook context’ for the unit.

Commands run on machines via the –machine argument are run in parallel by default. If you want commands to be run sequentially in order of submission, use –parallel=false. Such commands will first acquire a global execution lock on the host machine before running, and release the lock when done. It’s also possible to group commands so that those in the same group run sequentially, but in parallel with other groups. This is done using –execution-group=somegroup.

–all is provided as a simple way to run the command on all the machines in the model. If you specify –all you cannot provide additional targets.

Since juju exec creates tasks, you can query for the status of commands started with juju run by calling “juju operations –machines <id>,… –actions juju-exec”.

If you need to pass options to the command being run, you must precede the command and its arguments with “–”, to tell “juju exec” to stop processing those arguments. For example:

juju exec --all -- hostname -f