juju add-storage


Adds storage to a unit after it has been deployed.


juju add-storage [options] <unit> <storage-directive>





-B, --no-browser-login


Do not use web browser for authentication

-m, --model

Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>


Add a 100MiB tmpfs storage instance for “pgdata” storage to unit postgresql/0:

juju add-storage postgresql/0 pgdata=tmpfs,100M

Add 10 1TiB storage instances to “osd-devices” storage to unit ceph-osd/0 from the model’s default storage pool:

juju add-storage ceph-osd/0 osd-devices=1T,10

Add a storage instance from the (AWS-specific) ebs-ssd storage pool for “brick” storage to unit gluster/0:

juju add-storage gluster/0 brick=ebs-ssd

Further reading:



Add storage to a pre-existing unit within a model. Storage is allocated from a storage pool, using parameters provided within a “storage directive”. (Use ‘juju deploy –storage=<storage-name>=<storage-directive>’ to provision storage during the deployment process).

juju add-storage <unit> <storage-name>=<storage-directive>

<unit> is the ID of a unit that is already in the model.

<storage-name> is defined in the charm’s metadata.yaml file.

<storage-directive> is a description of how Juju should provision storage instances for the unit. They are made up of up to three parts: <storage-pool>, <count>, and <size>. They can be provided in any order, but we recommend the following:


Each parameter is optional, so long as at least one is present. So the following storage directives are also valid:

<storage-pool>,<size> <count>,<size> <size>

<storage-pool> is the storage pool to provision storage instances from. Must be a name from ‘juju storage-pools’. The default pool is available via executing ‘juju model-config storage-default-block-source’.

<count> is the number of storage instances to provision from <storage-pool> of <size>. Must be a positive integer. The default count is “1”. May be restricted by the charm, which can specify a maximum number of storage instances per unit.

<size> is the number of bytes to provision per storage instance. Must be a positive number, followed by a size suffix. Valid suffixes include M, G, T, and P. Defaults to “1024M”, or the which can specify a minimum size required by the charm.