Juju Developer Tutorial

To get acquainted with the insides of Juju, you’re going to add a brand-new feature. A quote-of-the-day service.

With your addition, admin users will be able to set an author for today’s quote and Juju will fetch one of the authors venerable utterances from a public API on the internet. This quote will be stored in Juju’s state on the controller. Charms will be able to request the quote to be sent to them, so they can use it as they see fit.

What you’ll need:

  • A workstation with git and an editor suitable for development in Golang.

  • Working knowledge of Golang syntax/semantics and the latest version of Go installed (preferably via the snap).

What you’ll do:

  • Add a new command to the Juju CLI to set the author of today’s quote.

  • (Still to write) Add an API endpoint and facade method to the controller to save the new quote author.

  • (Still to write) Add a domain to the controller for storing the quote authors.

  • (Still to write) Add a worker to the controller which watches the state for changes, fetches quotes from new authors in state from Zenquotes API, and saves these quotes in state.

  • (Still to write) Add a hook tool for charms to get the quote of the day from the controller.

  • (Still to write) Write a basic charm to fetch the quote of the day, and display it in its status.

Set up and build Juju

Clone the main branch of the Juju repository onto your machine:

$ git clone -b main [email protected]:juju/juju.git 

Try compiling and installing this version of Juju to check you have all the tools you need:

$ cd juju
$ make build

If the make fails because you are missing any tools, install them.

Add a new command to Juju

You are going to add a new command to Juju to set the author of the quote of the day:

$ juju set-qotd-author

To begin with, this command will only print out the author you have set. For example:

$ juju set-qotd-author "Nelson Mandela"
You have set todays author to: Nelson Mandela

Open the juju repo in your editor and navigate to cmd/juju. This contains the code for the Juju CLI commands.

Make a new folder called qotd and a file in it called qotd.go. Add the base command definition and help information for the set-qotd-author:

package qotd

import (
  jujucmd "github.com/juju/juju/cmd"

// setQOTDAuthorCommand is the base of the set-qotd-author command.
type setQOTDAuthorCommand struct {
  // ControllerCommandBase is used because this is a command that interacts
  // with the controller.

  // author is the author the user has specified.
  author string
  // out is responsible for outputting the response to the user in the correct
  // format.
  out cmd.Output

// NewSetQOTDAuthorCommand returns a command to set the quote of the day author.
func NewSetQOTDAuthorCommand() cmd.Command {
  cmd := &setQOTDAuthorCommand{}
  return modelcmd.WrapBase(cmd)

// Info defines the name of the command and the command documentation. It
// implements command.Info from the cmd package.
func (c *setQOTDAuthorCommand) Info() *cmd.Info {
  // jujucmd.Info adds flags common to all juju cli commands>
  return jujucmd.Info(&cmd.Info{
    Name:     "set-qotd-author",
    Purpose:  "Set the quote of the day author:",
    Args:     "<quote-of-the-day-author>",
    Doc:      "Sets the author of the quote of the day",
    Examples: "juju set-qotd-author \"Nelson Mandela\"\n",
    SeeAlso: []string{

Here you have made use of the internal/cmd package to define the command. Our command needs to implement the Command interface defined in this package. We can then register it with the Juju CLI.

Now, add the SetFlags, Init and Run methods to the command.

First, add the imports:



Then add the methods:

// SetFlags adds flags to the command. It is part of the Command interface in
// the internal/cmd package.
func (c *setQOTDAuthorCommand) SetFlags(f *gnuflag.FlagSet) {
	// Collect the default output formatters.
	formatters := make(map[string]cmd.Formatter, len(cmd.DefaultFormatters))
	for k, v := range cmd.DefaultFormatters {
		formatters[k] = v.Formatter
	// Add the output related command flags and set the default formatter to
	// "smart". This will automatically format strings for output.
	c.out.AddFlags(f, "smart", formatters)

// Init initializes the command before running it. It collects the user supplied
// arguments and throws an error if they are not as expected. It is part of the
// Command interface in the internal/cmd package.
func (c *setQOTDAuthorCommand) Init(args []string) error {
	switch len(args) {
	case 0:
		return errors.Errorf("No quote author specified")
	case 1:
		c.author = args[0]
		return nil
		//  CheckEmpty checks that there are no extra arguments.
		return cmd.CheckEmpty(args[1:])

// Run executes the action of the command. It is part of the Command interface
// in the internal/cmd package.
func (c *setQOTDAuthorCommand) Run(ctx *cmd.Context) error {
	// For now, just tell the user what they wrote.
	return c.out.Write(ctx, "Quote author set to \""+c.author+"\"")

There are two other methods that are part of the command interface: IsSuperCommand and AllowInterspersedFlags. We do not need to provide these. The setQOTDAuthorComand struct embeds the modelcmd.ControllerCommandBase which in several layers down embeds cmd.Command from the command package. This provides a default implementation.

Test the command

Juju uses the go check library for testing. To test the command you will add a go check unit test suite.

In the qotd directory, create a package_test.go, and hook up go check to work with the go test command:

package qotd_test

import (
  stdtesting "testing"

  gc "gopkg.in/check.v1"

func TestPackage(t *stdtesting.T) {

Next, in the qotd directory, create a qotd_test.go file and add a go check suite.

package qotd_test

import (
  gc "gopkg.in/check.v1"


type SetQOTDAuthorSuite struct {

var _ = gc.Suite(&SetQOTDAuthorSuite{})

Embedding the testing.BaseSuite provides isolation for the test from the system it is running on.

Now, add some tests of the command. We will test the command works as expected and returns the right errors.

Add the imports:

    jc "github.com/juju/testing/checkers"


And the tests:

func (s *SetQOTDAuthorSuite) TestSetQOTDAuthor(c *gc.C) {
  context, err := cmdtesting.RunCommand(c, qotd.NewSetQOTDAuthorCommand(), "Nelson Mandela")
  // jc.ErrorIsNil checks that the value is explicitly a nil error, as opposed
  // to gc.NotNil which checks if it is any nil value.
  c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  stdout := cmdtesting.Stdout(context)
  c.Assert(stdout, gc.Equals, "Quote author set to \"Nelson Mandela\"\n")

func (s *SetQOTDAuthorSuite) TestSetQOTDAuthorTooManyArgs(c *gc.C) {
  _, err := cmdtesting.RunCommand(c, qotd.NewSetQOTDAuthorCommand(), "author", "arg-two")
  // First check that the error is not nil before checking its message.
  c.Assert(err, gc.NotNil)
  c.Assert(err.Error(), gc.Equals, `unrecognized args: ["arg-two"]`)

Exercise: Add a third test to check that the command throws an error when no parameters are passed.

See more: Go Check

Register the command

The command is implemented, but it needs to be registered to appear when running the Juju CLI.

Go to cmd/juju/command/main.go and find the registerCommands function. Import the qotd package and register the new command at the bottom.


  // Quote of the day command.

Compile and install Juju to try the new command

From the root of the repo, run:

$ make install

Once it has finished, do which juju to check that the juju binary has been correctly installed. It should be installed in your GOPATH (defaults to ~/go) at GOPATH/bin/juju.

To admire your handiwork, run:

$ juju set-qotd-author "Nelson Mandela"